1 year on

I cant believe a whole year has passed. Its a year on saturday since i had my op. I’m glad that i’m through with the first year. I’m just starting to really get on with life without thoughts of BC permeating everything i do! I’m hoping and prayng that the next year will be a good one. Hello to all of you out there, whether you are on the beginning of this journey or you have been on this site for a long time. I just wanted to let this landmark of mine be known!
Love Julie X

Congrats Julie. Hope the rest of your life is wonderful. I expect like everyone else here you deserve it.

Congratulations Julie.

Good luck in all that you do now, the world is your oyster as they say.

Love and hugs

Hi Julie,

Congratulations. I was dx last May with first op on 19th June so just over a year for me also. Like you I feel that now I am back to work and having normal conversations with people that I can start to get on with things without thinking of BC all the time. I think the worry will never leave us completely, I was never paranoid about my health and hardly ever went to the Dr but lately I am there all the time with aches and pains. I think better to be safe than sorry and get everything checked out.

My one little irritation is that I cant do a thing with my hair and it always looks a mess. Sticking up all over the place , some bits curly, some bits straight. I just put lots of gel on it and hope for the best but I do see people looking at it. I,m sure it has a life of its own. Anyway shouldnt complain as I was bald 6 months ago, I bet that looked worse. Ha Ha.

Lots of love Andrea xx

Hi Girls

It’s really great for those of us stuck in the middle of chemo to have news of those who are the other side of treatment and getting on with their lives, lets us know that there is light at the end of this horrid tunnel, so thanks for your post.


Hi Julie and Andrea

I was DX early May 07 so have recently “celebrated” my 1st anniversary, I marked the occasion with a big birthday party as my op was the day before my birthday last year and it was a very cathartic moment that helped alot. I invited everyone who had helped me through the ordeal and the people who supported the people who supported me to say thank you to them all.

I am also now feeling alot better except for a set back with a bad infection 3 weeks ago caused by a mild lymphoedema.

I struggle with 2 things, 1st, like you Andrea, my hair is awful, not straight and not curly, sticks up everywhere. i call it the Ken Dodd look, wax tames it better than gel as gel is so sticky but have finally plucked up courage to have my first cut tomorrow so will let you know if it has helped at all. The 2nd thing is the lymphodema risk, I have it mildly in my boob and am waiting for a referral but its my right arm and makes life so restrictive. I have a bit of dermatitis on the thumb that side so have to be really careful with that, remembering not to carry heavy bags that side, try not to lay on it in my sleep [?], cant use the sauna or steam room at the gym anymore, have to stay in the shade on holiday etc etc. I know I sound shallow but you just don’t get back the body or the life you had before and it’s hard to adjust.

I am back at work though and actually enjoying it now [wasn’t sure what I wanted to do to start with] and most of the time I feel great. Don’t like the menopause at 43 but there we are, needs must.

Its nice to hear from other ladies who have emerged the other side almost intact and still smiling.


Congratulations on reaching a year Julie. Just looked at the date and realised that it’s 6 months yesterday that I found my lump … seems like only a few weeks ago that I was in panic mode.

Just hope the next 6 months go as quickly and I am the one posting a year down the line.

Thankyou all for your comments and support!
Its funny but i was one of those people looking forward to being 40. When i was diagnosed at 40 it was a terrible blow and my previous positive personality deserted me! I’m now 41 and getting bouts of positiveness again. Heres to a bright future for all of us !!!
Julie X

its a year today since i had my biopsy and for some strange reason im in floods of tears, due to go into hospital on weds for total hysterectomy so i suppose its just all the stress
sorry to put a downer on this thread but i know what you mean about the hair, i blow dried mine last night for the first time and my husband said i looked like i had an electric shock!!!

Hi Anna

Good luck for Weds, hope it all goes well for you and you are soon home.

My hair is shocking when I blow dry it but the wax gets it back under control, people say how nice i do my hair, i don’t do anything it just does what it does and its tough luck if I like it or not. I just wish it would get longer instead of bigger!!!

congrats Julie on your 1st year anniv . My 1st year anniversary is coming up in August and I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one with the Ken Dodd look . Will it ever look normal again or start growing downwards. The cruel irony is that other bodily hair is growing straight if you know what i mean ! and head hair is coming out curly . I think the chemo has messed up my dna .

I’m looking forward to the time when bc doesnt consume all of my thoughts when I let my mind wander but not there yet I’m afraid .
Best wishes to all starting on or going through treatment.

Well done Julie

On the 10th July Im at my 1year anniversay of diagnosis and me, my daughters, sister, and mum are alll heading out to see mama mia at the cinema then out for dinner.

So to all you ladies in the middle of chemo and rads, you will get there and you will be able to look back on it as a tough journey! but one you have managed to get through !!

love to you Julie on your anniversay here is to many more xx


You are so funny. I laughed my bits off at I want longer hair and not bigger hair. How true. Mines growing upwards and outwards too. Ha Ha. I had mine trimmed just to even it out as all different lengths and it did look a bit better.
I always had poker straight hair before now and its taking some getting used to.
Dont like to be too fussy though ! !
Lots of love Andrea xx

Huge Day Today Everyone

I have been for a haircut, was there for a full 15 minutes, had the ends trimmed off and she shaped it better [although I said if she touched the pathetic attempt I have at a fringe I would cry]. It does look abit better although it might not tomorrow when I’m back in charge.

Is it me or has everyone in the world got fabulous hair, even Kate Garraway’s hair looked lovely this morning and I normally think she has too much hair.

Hi ladies

Have been reading through your posts and wanted to thank you for trying to keep the rest of us positive about the year to come. Have had a laugh about the hair comments though, as I am due to start chemo next week. You have made me realise that although I should feel a lot better in myself next year this new positivity will probably be accompanied by a Ken Dodd who has stuck his finger in an electric socket look, not sure if I should be positive about that one or not!!.

Thanks for making me laugh ladies.

Take care.



Do you think the Ken Dodd will catch on, maybe more popular than the Victoria Beckham LOL!!

Am going to see if hubby can superimpose my face on to Ken Dodd to get an idea of my look for 2009. Will let you know the results if he manages it.



Laughing at the hair comments…

My hair used to be dead straight but I’ve been perming for years. Since chemo my hair’s got a mind of it’s own and I don’t *dare* try to comb it other than where it’s decided it’s going that day… (which changes day to day…)
