Did anyone else hear about this poor little girl in California dx with something called secretory carcinoma? You can see a TV recording of it on:
but have to put up with schmaltzy music and an advert first!
I hope this is not a sign of things to come. Girls now are coming into puberty so much earlier it seems. This little one already had small breasts, one of which had to be removed. Can only hope this is incredibly rare.
I think that a handful of very young pubescent girls have always got breast and ovarian cancer. It is just that the media are picking up on it now. I don’t think it is an indication that something is chronically wrong.
Very distressing for the poor child and her family.
How very sad that poor girl and her family. This disease has no boundries and its very frightening at how common and how young people who are diagnosed are becoming. I have the brca2 gene and am so frightened for my children its like a ticking time bomb we have to wait another 4 years before they can be tested.
Take Care
Leslee x
I cryed my eyes out this film has made me realise I can fight any thing. How brave is that little girl! I’m just getting over pagets diease/ dcis for five years i went to various doctors who kept telling me I was to young, I’m 32 now. What is the gene your taking about how do you know if you have it?
Hi Cornelia
The following publication called ‘Breast cancer in families’ contains some information about breast cancer genes which you may find helpful, if you wish to discuss any of your concerns in confindence please do call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.
Best wishes