11 years on

It’s October, so here I am back to the forums, to let you know I am still alive and very much kicking. I hope I can give hope to those who are new to the horrible frightening journey of tests, diagnosis, waiting, and treatment.

I don’t come here very often, because my life is full of plenty of other stuff these days, thank goodness. But when I was diagnosed in 2003, I desparetly wanted to hear about people who had survived. When I was diagnosed in 2010 for the 2nd time, I met some wonderful people on these forums, and we are still in contact, and meet up several times a year inspite of our busy lives. You will get support, understanding, infomation and so much more on the forums.

Take care of yourselves and let others take care of you too.

All the best


Thanks, for posting. It really helps reading such a positive story.

Dear Maria


Thank you so much for taking the time to post this posiive message. It does help. I am 2 years past diagnosis, 18 months into hormone therapy and still have wobbly days.so your words re very welcome!

Congratulations on 11 years and thank you for posting:) I am having a bit of a “wobble” today and needed some good news, so I really appreciate you taking the time to post.
Take care Maria
x x

Hi Mariel,


you may not remember me but I was part of your group for a while until life became overwhelming. But I am still here too…yeah! Doing well also as regards the cancer “thing” so given my “triple negative diagnosis” I am grateful. I am hiping that that “triple neg” thing has moved on…not so sure, though I know that there are more specific markers and more is being lerned all the time…thank goodness. So glad to hear you are doing well. Not sure why your message dated 2014 only just arrived in my inbox?!!


Hope that anyone who sees this gains power from the fact that we are doing well xx Good luck!


p.s. you may know me as “Hope” had major problems with the BCC site which has resulted in a new identity but means I have lost communication with others sadly. 

How lovely to read these posts … so inspirational for those of us still going through treatment. I have my 5th chemo today and can then announce 'just one more to go 'before a month of rads start. Lorelie, like you I’m TN so your post hit a cord with me as it’s been difficult getting to grips with. May you both continue to enjoy good health xx

Happy 13th anniversary Marial!!!Hope you have many more .

thanks so much for coming back … Im newly diagnosed and for once this made me cry for good reasons … hope 


Hi Maria
I’m a year on & still finding it a bit unbelievable that I’m fine … it’s great to see someone that has survived
I’m having an interview this week to become a breath care nurse … wish me luck
And any opinions about the nurses good or bad greatly appreciated xx