12 years ago ...

Twelve years ago on Christmas Eve I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I knew nothing about the disease. My diagnosis followed breast screening and I thought that was it, I was going to die!  My daughter was getting married the following summer and I feared I wouldnt be around to see her married.


Well I am happy to report that I am still here.  I know I have been very lucky and never forget it.  I was at both of my daughters weddings and have two grand children now too… I suppose what I am trying to say is that life does go on and you will get back to some sort of normal life although at diagnosis that seems a long way off.  

I spent many years worrying and I am definitely not a glass half full type of person, the words “positive thinking” used to make me want to scream!  


I send my best wishes to anyone newly diagnosed, particularly those diagnosed over Christmas and I hope this post helps someone somewhere who is going through what I went through back then.


Thank you for listening and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year to everyone.


Love Pisces15



Thank you Pisces for bothering to put that message on here. Always helps to hear good stories from people who have been through this. Love and continuing good  health to you!  Eileen xx

Thanks Pisces12!
You made me so happy when I saw your post:)
Much health and happiness for the New Year!
x x x x

I was terrified to learn I had breast cancer after visiting the GP many times over several months and being told I was OK. I was prescribed Vit B6 and Valium! I paid for a private mammogram and so glad I did. Thats when I discovered I had breast cancer


AND, that was nearly 28 years ago. I was 39 years old, now Im 67, Nana to 6 beautiful grandchildren.


So, I do want to reassure others that women can and do survive




Ive written an account of my life before during and after breast cancer.