18 months on and I'm happy!

I’m not taking anything away from those with secondaries as I may join them at some point in the future.

BUT today 18 months after dx, 12 months after finishing chemo, 9 months after rads, my surgeon has told me that he he doesn’t want to see me for 12 months!

A year ago I was in a very dark place and really didn’t think I’d see another Christmas (Grade 3 + 3 lymph nodes involved). I’m not stupid and know that a recurrence can come at any time, but decided that in the meantime I can enjoy life!

I’ve taken early retirement (from a job I loved and had done for 28 years) and have really started to enjoy life. I don’t suffer fools gladly and have ‘disposed’ of those who don’t care about me.

Result? I’m really enjoying life. Making the most of every day. OK my energy levels aren’t what they were but last week I was snorkelling in the Red Sea!

So those of you in the early days, waiting for your results, waiting for your treatment plan, please know that life goes on and does get better.

Mal x

Many Happy Congratulations to you Mal, it’s a fantastic landmark when you move on to having check ups once a year. Enjoy every moment of your freedom from work!

Best wishes,

Hi Mal

I’m so pleased to hear that things are going so well for you. Brilliant! It’s just lovely to hear that things have worked so well since taking early retirement, and what a bonus to be told there’s no need to see you for another 12 months.

Keep on enjoying yourself!

Gill x

Hi Mal,
Congratulations on being where you are now. I think you should be very pleased!! I am only halfway through chemo so have a way to go yet but it is great to hear from ladies like yourself.
All the very best,
Jane xx

I’m really pleased for you. I am 3 years post diagnosis and now only have to attend for a yearly mammo and check up. My next check is on Friday and I’m finding I’m able to just enjoy life again these days. Being busy with work and other things helps as it means I don’t dwell on things.

Hi Mal

So glad to hear that things are beginning to get back to normal (or maybe better?) for you - well done and so thrilled to hear that you are enjoying life.


Jane x

Hi Mal

I am so pleased that your life is in a good place, I remember you and I both going through treatment last year at the same time and it is good to look back and think “well, this time last year” and see how considerably better off we are this year.

Like you say, we could join the secondary ladies at any time and hopefully we won’t, but it is always there isn’t it, but we have to learn to get on with life and ENJOY it the best way we can.

I have an appt with my Onc on Friday, so hopefully I will be raising a glass with you at the weekend.

Good luck to everyone else, and to the newbies, it seems bad at the time but you can get through it.

P xx

Yes - life is good!

Peacock - I remember you too. You’re right in that the prognosis could change at any time but in the meantime - enjoy!

I can’t help but think of where I was last year at this time and life is so different. Last year I was just finishing chemo and ‘the beast’ was all-consuming. Now I don’t think about it every waking moment and I just enjoy life.

So thanks to all who’ve replied. It does get better - honestly.

Mal x

bloody marvelous Mal
hope you never look back
love, monica
Have a LOVELY christmas x

Many Many Congratulations Mal,
from one who is just starting the long path.
May today be the first day of the rest of a very long and enjoyable life.

Dawn xx

Mal, im now post treatment and my life now has a new but better meaning, I will never take anything for granted again, so looking forward to christmas this year with my hubby and two young sons, the difference a year makes!!

also got good news today, mum got her routine mamo and she is clear, she was really worried this time because of me, bless her.


Carol xxx

Hi Mal,

So very pleased to read your thread, I have just finished all treatment and it is so uplifting to read positve posts. I am only just starting to come to terms with my “new” life now that all the physical stuff is over. I must admit I’m finding this just as hard…People like yourselves give me so much hope that all can be well in the future… Thank you for taking the time to come on and update us with your story…I wish you lots of luck in your retirement…

Best Wishes
Fiona xxx

Hi Mal,

I am 2 yrs & 10 months post dx, and today is exactly one year since my final herceptin. Like you I was grade 3 and 3 nodes. I have done a lot since dx. I have taken up the piano again after more than 30 years, and took grade 4 last week. I now run more than I did before and am training for a 1/2 marathon next year. As a family we did a safari holiday this summer which was brilliant. I sieze any opportunity that comes my way.

So life is good. There is always a little bit of me looking over my shoulder for secondaries, I think that’s inevitable, but I try not to think about that too much.

Thanks for all the replies.

Yes I’m happy but I’m also incredibly sad for Debs who was one of the first to reply when I lost my chemo buddy last year. She’s been a true inspiration to a lot of folk here and I wish her a peaceful and happy time with her family.

I think the rest of us owe it to people like Debs to make the most of life and I fully intend to do that.

Mal x

Ah, Mal, I do agree with you - life is precious and we owe it to ourselves to make the lost of what we have and really appreciate every good hour, never mind day we have.
Every now and then someone like Debs appears in our lives to teach us something, and don’t necessarily appreciate the potency of their influence, I wish I had known her longer because I really feel tuned in to that humour and warmth.
I hope you will go on from this time and enjoy life without looking over your shoulder too much. Sometimes, on forums like this, its hard to remember that some people do walk away from this and do well, but because that happens, we don’t hear about them.
Take good care, be kind to yourself and enjoy life - thats a canny motto, eh?
monica xx

Thanks for the reply Monica.

I do so agree with you that the forum is fantastic BUT we only tend to come here when we’re first dx, waiting/undergoing treatment, feeling low etc etc. People who have had their treatment and are ‘getting on’ with their lives tend not to come back as often.

When you are going through treatment and feeling fragile it is wonderful to hear of people who’ve ‘been there’ and come out the other side.

BC treatment is all-consuming and you have little room in your ‘chemo-addled’ brain to think beyond that (you’re scared to think too far ahead). But it does get better and you do enjoy life again. You even get to think of the future (not too far ahead after 18 months).

This Xmas is going to be ‘BRILLIANT’


Hi Mal and all
Great post - well done for getting to where you are right now! - and have a well deserved fab festive season. As you all so rightly say, enjoy every day, and lets make sure we cherish true friends and family,

Hi Mal
it is so good to read that that you are feeling well. It helps others to know that you are able to enjoy life. I have always tried to live for the moment. If there is one thing I would say that it if you are well enough today do it. You just cannot control what is around the corner.
I think of all the wonderful women we have lost to this and it is so frustrating.
Love Debsxxx

Thanks for that Mal, we need lots of good stories on this site, so many ladies don’t come back to post so it’s great to hear news. 2 of my friends are 13 years and 20 years from dx, so I hold on to that when I’m feeling down
Best wishes all

Go catch those dreams Mal and very glad to hear all is well with you. I am on a very similar time span to you but back at work teaching full-time with the thickest hair I have ever had and my grey has virtually gone too. Well I really never expected any bonuses out of this, apart from the big one we all hope for and deserve
Have fun
Lily x