18 weeks and counting !! no hair
18 weeks and counting !! no hair Its now 18 weeks yesterday that i had my last chemo and i still have no hair !!! well, afew hairs but thats it. All my scalp still vary visible and shiney and most of the back of the head- nothing. It started to sprout abit on holiday but that was a month ago and nothing since. What is going on? is this a record. Put it this way if i stood infront of someone and took my scarf off they would say ‘OMG bald’ I seriously believe that the folicles were damaged so bad that they wont regenerate and that i will be permantly in scarfes for ever. I am seeing the head poncho next friday so will see what she says.
Fingers Crossed Hi So sorry your hair has not started to come back. Which Chemo did you have? When mine started to grow again it was at the back first and it was in the second part of the chemo but did not thicken up untill chemo had finished all together.
Let us know what the head poncho says next friday.
Good Luck Janets
Hi Pollyannsa Ive been wondering how you were getting on. My hairs been slow to grow back too, but not quite as slow as yours. I finished chemo 17 weeks ago & am still wearing my wig & headscarves,. It is growing back, but I still look like a cancer patient, rather than a woman with short hair!
Hope it grows back soon for you .