19 out of 22 lymph nodes involved

Hi all,


I just received my pathology report and its been shocking.


19 cancerous out of 22 lymph nodes involved with extracapsular spread.


Over 7 cm mixed lobular/ductal grade2.


After neoadjuvant chemo EC+Taxol my ER+ 8/8 PrG+ 8/8 changed to ER+ 8/8 PrG- 0/8


Why could my progesteron receptors have changed?


Could it lead to a worse prognosis?


How optimistic should I consider such 19/22 lymph involvement?


All replies appreciated.






I had 22 out of 25 lymph nodes involved and I’m still going strong (touch wood) three and a half years later!
I don’t come on the forum much now as it’s all less user friendly than it once was but I used to feel very reassured to hear that there were lots of ladies out there with heavy node involvement who were doing very well.
Best wishes xx

Hi mrey300

If you would like to give our helpline team a ring after the weekend, they’ll be only too happy to talk you through your pathology report and answer as many questions you have about it.  In the meantime I have put for you below the link to BCC’s publication ‘Understanding your path report’


Take care,

Jo, Moderator

Hi mrey - all I can say is that when I was first diagnosed and was worried about the node involvement with extranodal extension my GP told me about a lady who had all her nodes affected and she’d been disease free for 14 years at the time of my diagnosis. If you think about it, she wouldn’t have had the up-to-date treatments at that time that we’re having.



Thanks ladies for all your support. It is really appreciated.


Good to have  this site. xxx



Still waiting on my results . That’s a shame it never rains but pours hugs xxx