1st anniversary tommorrow

1st anniversary tommorrow

1st anniversary tommorrow Wondered what others have done on this day, if anything. My husband has only remembered because I told him, I don’t think my family will remember and I’m feeling a bit down. Do I expect too much/should they remember. I probably wouldn’t if it were the other way round. I think I do act a bit spoilt some times, the past year I’ve had too much attention I think.

Love Lisa

anniversary hi on my remembrance day i was just so glad to still be around albeit after goung through the mill with the treatments, and just thanked god i was still with my family and that id met so many good friends on this site who got me through . ( and i raised a glass or two!!!)hope you continue with your recovery. love lynn x

Difficult one. Hi Flisam,

This is a difficult one, I have just had my second anniversary from diagnosis, however we have never as a family celebrated or remarked on the passage of time. I have in my own private thoughts, but I think my family probably do not want to make too much of it because it is a reminder to them of some things they would rather forget.
They often feel just as fragile supporting us but often are worried as to if anything else is going to happen.

Good luck for another year.
Treakle xxxxx

1ST ANNI I couldn’t but remember my 1st anniversary as I was at the hospital again and at the same time as I was dx the previous year.
March 14th, 06, 2pm, at breast clinic and hear the awful news, then March 14th, 07, 2pm, having herceptin in the chemo day unit.
Have to say I only thought about it all before and after 2pm as at that time my mind was thinking of other things.
None of my family remember the date until I mentioned it to them, but my hubby did remember and that was the main thing to me.
Best wishes, Michelle.

remembering I’ve been struggling a bit the last few weeks - coming round to first anniversaries has affected me more than I expected. Diagnosis days were first, but the worst was surgery day for some reason (2nd June). I felt more down this year than on the day itself!!!, presumably because i was rather busy this time last year concentrating just on getting through things and keeping family life on an even keel at the same time.

I got really weepy a couple of evenings ago. I think it was just the accumulation of several weeks of remembering this time last year - some specific dates and some specific events like kids’ birthday parties/half term. All I can think of doing is to go easy on myself and go with the flow - this is what everyone tells me to do.

Happy anniversary, Lisa! Sorry it’s a day late.

I will be having my first cancerversary on 14th August. I will never forget that date. I don’t expect others will remember, though, as they won’t have the actual date - just the event - implanted in their minds.

It’s a double-edged sword. It’s great getting to the year mark, yet it’s unusual to celebrate the anniversary of something so tragic.People probably feel it’s more about the future than the past.

I have an idea. What if we start celebrating from year 2? That way we are celebrating another year of getting through our first year (if that makes sense.) So we’re celebrating a milestone rather than a diagnosis.

Just a thought.

Lola x