1st Chemo 17th Dec - doing okay so far

Rosie Jo - You asked how far I was into treatment and the answer is not very far! I have Inflammatory / Invasive Ductal BC, Grade 3 with lymph node involvement, not sure how many nodes but at least 4. My lump at diagnosis was too large for immediate surgery so I’m having chemo first to shrink it prior to surgery and rads. The plan is to have 4 x FEC followed by 12 x weekly Taxol. I had my second FEC on thursday so only just at the beginning of the journey but I’m taking it one step at a time and enjoying the fact that I’m actually feeling pretty good most of the time so far!

The good news is that I’ve just got home from an appointment with my oncologist and he’s had a good grope and pronounced that there is already ‘significant shrinkage’ so things are going well and there’s good response to treatment. Couldn’t ask for much better news at this stage so now I’m planning to enjoy Christmas and New Year (hectic as I have 2 sons ages 4 and 2!) before facing FEC3 on 7th Jan.

It makes it a bit easier to know that the chemo is definitely doing some good!!


Hey Linda

That is great news that your tumour is shrinking!

Just after 2 treatments and it’s working and I am only guessing but your last chemo probably still has work to do so you should have more good results next time!

You sound like you are remaining positive which is the greatest thing to have with you…I believe remaining positive helps the body somehow. Well I am constantly talking to my ovaries to not give up and so far I have been lucky with my periods (so scared of infertility I’m 34 & childless) so that’s why I think it works!

You are right to take it 1 step at a time, it is going to take a lot of strength and determination.
So you have to wait for the tumour to shrink, then do you just have Radiotherapy or more chemo?

Your situation is different to me…it is amazing how different it is for everyone and I’m learning so much!

I was diagnosed in July and had a lumpectomy (can’t spell) I caught mine just in time as it didn’t reach my nodes. I was told I had a grade 3 tripple neg type of cancer, which isn’t common.To think I went to the GP twice as I was sent away the first time because I am ‘too young’…I still think if I never persisted I may not be here in a few years! Scarey!

It sounds like you are gonna have a fab xmas and the little ones must be sooo excited!

Good luck with number 3!

Speak soon xxx


I agree, must be great news knowing that the chemo is actually doing what it should be!! Positive…it’s the only way to go!!

I had a WLE just less than 2cm,grade 2, no nodes infected… also told probably nothing to worry about because of my age (37 at the time) How wrong they were!! I’m having 6xFEC then I think 5wks of radiotheraphy and tamoxifen. It does seem no two cases are the same…also I think different docs/oncs have different ways of dealing with it treatment wise.

I’ve got 3 young boys and am hoping to enjoy Christmas loads…I try not to let this C**p take over my otherwise great life!!

Love to all

Sarah xx

Rosie-Jo, if you’re from Cardiff are you being treated at Velindre? I am getting my treatment from the staff there, but they deliver it at my local hospital in Abergavenny. They all seem very good, so far. Regarding your periods, are you just hoping you keep them, or are you doing anything to protect them? I am on Zoladex to try and ‘hibernate’ my ovaries with a chance they’ll return to normal afterwards, but this means my periods need to stop. Which they seem to have done.

My veins hurt (a tender arm, like it has been bruised) after my 2nd FEC, so I mentioned it at my 3rd and they made sure they were a bit slower and flushed with lots of lots of saline, and I haven’t had a sore arm hardly at all this time. It is more tender than normal, but nowhere near as sensitive to the slightest touch as it was after No2. I have No 4 next week, and another 4x Taxotere after that.

I wasn’t fobbed off cos of my age (I was 37 at the weekend!) at all, so makes me wonder if mine was quite obviously cancer from the very first sign! It was 4cm and grade 3 with lots and lots of nodes involved…

Sarah, hope your treatment goes well tomorrow. Ask for lots of saline flushing!!! xxx

Hi everyone,

Just thought I’d say hello (new on here) and send you all good wishes for Christmas. Reading all your comments has been so helpful over the past couple of months.

I hope we can all manage to have at least a couple of glasses of champagne over the festive period! (well cava anyway, it’s hardly worth drinking proper champagne when everything tastes of metal is it??!)

Lisa xxx

Hello LisaBee!

Welcome to the chats!! Hope you have an ace xmas to xx

Hey Flora

I am in Velindre they are really good in there! So you’re only up the road then! Even so it is too far to travel from Whitchurch after chemo so that is brill that they sort your chemo out for you, didn’t know they did that!

I looked into and asked about Zoladex and they said it was still in trials so they may give me a placebo (can’t spell) or the real thing & I wouldn’t know what I was having. They put me off from having it. I felt angry because as soon as I started my chemo I ended up reading about pre menopausal woman receiving it!! It was a stressful time for me because i looked into saving my eggs as well but time wasn’t on my side with my chemo dates and periods…in the end I thought I had been dealt this card & I’m just gonna have to deal with what happens on the fertility front. Still not happy about the whole thing though.

I have managed to have 3 periods out of 5 chemos my last one arrived before my last treatment, so I have a feeling the ‘girls’ are working hard to stay normal. I’ll just have to see whether my last session knocks them out or not…keeping my fingers X’d.

I have heared from ladies I have met that Taxotere can make your bones ache…just to warn you in case you don’t know. I hope you are going to be ok.

I’m glad you weren’t fobbed off there is nothing worse! Gonna change my GP when this is all over they have been pants with me!

Good luck with Number 4 nxt wk!

Catch you later


Hi all, hope everyone is keeping well.

Went yesterday for 4th lot of Fec, and yippee! my bloods were much higher and I was able to have it. I felt much happier going in this time, i didn’t feel at all emotional and tearful like last time…just wanted done with it!! I am wondering if the reason that I got so upset last week was because I was low due to my low blood count- even though I didn’t feel ill or tired in myself! Must have affected me in a different way.
I’ve come away with my neulasta injection, hubby had a lesson how to stab me with it and is quite…maybe too confident with it!! They’ve also said I can take paracetamol for any bone aches I may get.
As for the periods girls, I’m 38, but have finished our family now… but periods have been unaffected so far. 4 out of 4!! I truely hope yours continue for you.
Well, still feeling okay at the moment. Trying to think ahead for Chritmas day now… shopping all done…dining room table set…wrapping done!! I can only say one thing, I have never been this organised…ever!!!
As for the champagne…I drank a bottle at the weekend…pre-swamping. Just incase it didn’t take as good this week!!
Wishing you all a lovely Christmas, let us try to put it all to the back of out minds for at least a couple of days.

Lots of love and Chritmassy wishes

Sarah xxx

That’s ace you’ve got tour 4th outta the way! You sound so happy it’s lush! What’s a neulasta injection and what is it for? Drank a bottle of champers? That is impressive…you go girl cos you deserve it!!

Well ladies I wish you all a fab xmas hope Santa is good to you all! Speak soon xxxxx

Glad you got no4 out of the way with no problems Sarah. Hope hubby wasn’t too viscious with the Neulasta.

I have Neulasta after each chemo and my blood counts were excellent last time (Rosie Jo - it’s given to boost white blood cell levels), I haven’t had any bone pain from it so far thank goodness! Due to the forcast of snow last week I brought my Neulasta home with me and had instructions how to inject myself but I chickened out on Friday and as the roads were passable we went back to the hospital for the nurse to do it. I took more notice of what she did so maybe next time I can pluck up my courage and save a trip out! Hubby is needle phobic so no way I’d get him to do it.

Re periods, I’m 43 and our family is complete. I’ve been on the mini-pill since my youngest was born (nearly 3 years ago) and had no periods while on it so hadn’t had a period for nearly 4 years in total. Came off the pill when I got my diagnosis in case my tumour is hormone sensitive and actually had my first proper period last week despite the chemo! While I’d be quite happy to see the back of periods permanently, I really hope that they continue as normal for you Rosie Jo.

I’m still doing ok after FEC no 2, have been a little washed out the last couple of days but that might be due to trying to do too much - perhaps shopping, baking Mince Pies and wrapping a ton of presents was too much to attempt in one day!


Hey Everyone!

Hope you all had a great Christmas xx

Ah so that’s what a Neulasta is, that’s great there is something to help with the blood count! Don’t like the Idea of DIY injections though! You are both brave!

It’s Sunday and as always I get nervous around now for Thurs…really hate Chemo. Scared it’s gonna hurt this time as my arms are still in a bit of a state, veins are rock hard. Though it’s my last one…but I feel like not going! Can I do that?? Very tempted!!

My hair has started to grow back, I noticed 2 days ago it’s very fluffy and blonde but I have dark patches left over (cos I am a natural brunette) I hope I don’t end up looking a like a tortishell cat! Excited but slightly worried of the outcome at the same time!

Catch you all soon love


Hello Ladies

Thought I’d contribute to this thread. I’ve had 6 of 8 FEC (diagnosed June had WLE folllowed by MX in July started Chemo early Sept Grade 3 vascular invasive 3/11 nodes involved)

Just wanted to reiterate to those of you at the start of Chemo that as unpleasant as it is, it is definately doable. It’s a tuff journey of course but my advice is to take every day at a time.

I’m now quite weak both mentally and physically, which is for me is more frustrating than anything feel like I’m a prisoner in my own home, as I’ve either been to weak to go out or its been to bloomin cold with the snow of late. I guess what’s keeping me going is that this is temporary and it little over a month I’ll have finsihed my Chemo and will have a break before my 3 week course of radiotherapy (which I’m not worried about as apparently its a walk in the park compared to Chemo) and then I can hopefully start to excersize again and I’m looking forward to the return of my hair which will be a joyous occassion!!!

To summarise just wanted to say to all that I hope 2010 is a happy and healthy year for everyone.

Oh and a ‘tip’ re the furry mouth after Chemo, plenty of water as already advised but try tonic water, for me it tastes a lot better and takes the metallic taste away for me anyways.

Good luck to all

Claire xx

Hey Girls

Well I managed to do it! I have completed my Chemo and I can’t describe how relieved I am.

It almost didn’t happen cos my white cells were really low, cried the whole day before because I didn’t want to get this far and not have it done. I think it is sooo hard to be mentally strong but you have to be, Positive Mental Attitude is the key! They shot up a massive amount on the day & weirdly everything went smoothly…more so than the other 5 times!

It was soooo fustrating to just get to this point and I know a lot of you are still aiming for the end goal but when you do, I promise you…it’s worth it. Even though I wanted to give up all the time I’m glad I didn’t because I now have a huge sense of achievement!

I am wishing you all the best and still would love to know how you are all doing! Thank you for your support as well!

Got Radiotherapy in Feb I think…bring it on!

Big hugs to you all Row xxx

Yay!! Well done Rosie, it must feel so good to have got to the end of this stage!

Good for you keeping on going, I am sure it will have been worth it.
Hugs to you, and Happy New Year to everyone xxxx

Happy New Year to all - Just found this site although have been following another since September when I found out I would need chemo. I did find it VERY useful as I am one of those people who cope better when I know what to expect.Most people seemed to be “off” for about 10-12 days so I was geared up to that but just before my first session I read a post from someone who only experienced 3 days of SE’s, so I decided I wanted to be “3 dayer”.Came home after my first session and waited to feel sick/nauseous - but nothing!Positive Mental Attitude is the way forward. Had niggles of heartburn, sore mouth and the readed constipation that set of a bout of diverticulitous (spelling?)ONC halved my anti-sickness drug as I had been so well andthis helped. Started using Corsodyl daily toothpaste to help wisth sore mouth and have found that this works for me and have had no problems since (it does taste very odd though).
Rosie Jo - a word of encouragement on the ovaries front. I am 56 next week and my periods are still appearing even with chemo, although the ONC told me they would probably stop when chemo started but my ovaries are still hanging on! Good luck.
Just had my 3rd EC on the 30th and woke up this morning with terrible pain in the veins of my infusion arm but feel better having read all you girls who have had similar trouble.
Sorry this is a bit rambling but it is an interesting and poitive thread. Happy New Year to you all. Marli x

Hey everyone

Happy New Year to you all - hope you are all doing okay and the SE’s have been few.

Can’t quite believe its nearly 3 weesk since 1st chemo - now only a 36 hours off the next one!! Not that i’m counting??!!!:slight_smile:

Saw Oncologist yesterday and bloods taken - all seems well so unless the snow forecast is horrendous (yeah snow… no don’t snow…) bring on No 2!!! I’m ready and willing - lets hope my veins respond accordingly - have been talking to them encouragingly:)

Wendy07 - hope SE’s are few honey.
Rosie - well done and congrats.
Marli - Hiya - hope you are okay with No 3 - how’s those veins now.
Linda - how are you after No 2? Still feeling washed out?
Flora - where do you get all the energy? :slight_smile: Polls, posting… whatever you are on, can I have some of it please? :slight_smile:

No 2 haircut is now being shaved off - can’t stand the moulting!! even my dog (who does not moult) looks at me in disgust as I shed everywhere!!:slight_smile:

Keep smiling when you feel like it ladies and if you don’t feel like it thats okay too.

Big hug to all & best wishes for a healthier 2010 Leigh xx

Really hoping No 2 goes OK for you tomorrow, Leigh.

I dunno about energy - I am just lucky to feel relatively normal ( a few days constipation and some hot flushes excepted!)!!

Kinda got the afternoon off work today though, as our library/college was closed at 1.30pm due to the fast falling snow. Expecting more tonight, so don’t know if we will make it in to work tomorrow, but I’m the boss so I’ll have to decide whether to ask the team to try and get there or not… I’m hoping the College will announce they are closed and then I can follow suit!!

Well the last three weeks have flown by and I’m gearing up for FEC no 3 on thursday - really hope that the promised snow doesn’t make the roads impassable, I so do NOT want any delays!

I’ve been feeling great for the last couple of weeks, so far it’s been that I’ve felt a bit rough for a couple of days after chemo and then tired for the rest of the first week, after that I’ve been pretty much back to normal and I’d say the second cycle was actually a little easier than the first. I feel very lucky and really hope it continues the same way this time around.

I think the cold cap is working as I still have hair! It’s thinned quite a bit, especially on top but unless you’re looking at my head from above you wouldn’t notice and very few people will do that unless I’m sitting and they’re standing so it doesn’t bother me. I can’t see it myself just looking in the mirror so I’m pretending it hasn’t happened :wink:

Good luck everyone with your next cycle, and well done Rosie for making it through!!
