1st chemo Epi today

HI all you brave people out there… Had 1st chemo today not to bad . Pee scared me for a split sec was so red , then remembered PINK from Epi. Had a bit of a headache, panic attack this afternoon . Feel I’m more scared of damn chemo
and what it MIGHT do than flippin BC at present. Reading some of your stories of what you have to cope with, mastectomies, secondaries etc, makes me feel such a coward. Had WLE and Cells in one lymph node,!!! Having suffered from deppression for many years and JUST picking up again and getting my life back in order , then WHAM this flippin cancer. Knocked me back again.
LOve corsa aka bobbie

Hi corsa

If you feel you might benefit by talking to someone about your concerns please feel free to contact our free phone helpline on 0808 800 6000. Here you can talk through any feelings you may have confidentially and the staff are happy to offer a listening ear. Everyone working on the helpline either has experience of breast cancer, or is a breast care nurse, and they are able to talk about both practical and emotional issues surrounding breast cancer.
The line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm.

I hope this is helpful.

Kind regards

BCC Facilitator

Hi Bobbie,

Like you, I had a WLE and SNB with cells found in 1 lymphnode. I had my first EPI on the 19th December and it scared the c**p out of me.
It is a very scary experience and not a pleasant one to endure. On the positive side it hammers this rotten disease and does a great job.
The chemo made me feel rotten for about a week, after that I felt normal. My hair started falling out on New Years Eve and I am going to shave off what is left today.

There is a thread called “Anyone Starting Chemo” where there are a few ladies who, like us, are at the start of their chemo regime. Why don’t you come and join in.
We all support each other, compare notes and have a laugh.

Keep your chin up, you will get loads of love and support on this site.

Love and Hugs,
Dyzee. X