Just thought I would let you know it was my first day back at work today. I decided to go back whilst still having chemo up until the time I have my surgery. I am doing 2 days per week 8-4, non clinical. It went ok other than I had diarrhoea all day so by the time 3pm came I had enough and had to go home. It was not best timing as I only had my chemo 9 days ago so this is my worst time anyway but thats the way my line worked out (couldnt be bothered getting another 1).
Anyway, I survived - came home and lay down for 1 1/2 hours and feel ok - ready to to it all again tomorrow!!.
I spose it was nice to be doing something else for a change - but theres a lot of faces I have not seen in a long time to see again - which would happen whenever I went back.
Hope you are all feeling as ok as you can be
Take care
Good for you. I stopped work when diagnosed in June - had surgery (mas with Tram recon) and now having 6th TAC chemo tomorrow. I find my head so fried that I couldn’t work. On the other hand I wonder if i have had too much time to think. Between chemos when I’m well I try to met friends for lunch etc and keep very busy.
I think each woman has to make her own choice - what works for one mightn’t for another. I really enjoyed my work and miss it badly. Called in yesterday and felt a little frightened that I’ll be out of my depth when I go back. I think cancer has taken a lot of my confidence - before I could have taken on the world and but not now.
I hope it all goes well and you find the strength to cope with the demands of work.
I must say its as much a financial decision as anything else but think it will do my head some good too - as long as they dont expect too much as I deffo have chemo brain!!! They are being really supportive and I know I will be able to say if it gets too much.
I went back to work for the first time in 3 weeks (half term, lymph nodes op and appointments got in the way). Felt like a spare part. They’ve taken my class away from me, which I know was the only option when they have no idea how long and when I’ll be off work. I just feel like it’s all been done without asking me my opinions. I’ve got parents evening next week (my next day back at work) and I don’t think I know my class well enough to do it now!
Sorry I hijacked your thread, but I feel better after the mini-rant!
I have decided to go back to work (Secretary in a High School - working 9 - 3) on monday - just till my 3rd FEC on Nov 14. I am so apprehensive about going back, but I feel for my own sanity that I must! I also feel “head fried” and am wondering if through the fog I am actually going to be able to do it!
The problem is then all the boring “house” stuff will be left (and left and left!) shopping, cooking, washing etc, etc that at the moment is being done by me, but at a much slower pace! Think my hubbie and 2 daughters (17 and 11) are going to have to pull their fingers out!
Have nothing but utmost respect to everyone on this forum, this is sooooo hard, but we get on with it.
Good for you, I worked the whole time I was having chemo and found it saved me to be honest. Could be because I’m single and live on my own, but the support I got from my colleagues was very special to me, and the fact that it made me feel “normal”. Obviously it was easier for me to do this as I have no children to look after, just the domestic stuff!
I hope you manage to keep it up, it is nice to retain some normality when going through this, I definitely found it made it all more bearable.
So far so good - think it will be good for me mentally to do this. Was going to go back about a month ago but then dad got ill!!
Our work (NHS Hospital) is a place where news usually spreads fast - and I have been in and out of the place visiting when I’ve been at clinics etc but yet again today one of the consultants asked me why I was wearing my headwear (was wearing a buff) - I had to tell him I had breast cancer and was having chemo!!! Bless him he was really shocked and said he would prey for me and wished all the best for my recovery. I cannot believe theres still so many folks dont know!! Good job I have my head around it most of the time and dont cry every time I speak about it!!
Next week should be better as I should be feeling better physically - and I will be doing split days.
Respect to everyones decisions whether to work or not - each to their own
Hope you all have a good weekend
I’m off to see Joseph in the theatre tonight (hope to stay awake
Well done Fiona and Karen, just be strong about not overdoing it (says she who has the energy of a small gnat this evening after 2nd week back at work!).
Good luck.
Have been thinking about it loads - and altho I have been absolutely knackered - its a good decision for me mentally - dont know if the extra tiredness is being back at work or just the cumulation of chemo!!! Either way - just 1 more chemo to go - yipeeeeeeeeeeeee
Like Cecelia, I’ve managed to work through most of my treatment… also single, so sitting at home, staring at 4 walls, would have done my head in! Going to work (albeit I planned a lighter workload initially) meant I had some kind of normality in my life and also gave me something other than bc to focus on for some of the day. I know it’s not for everyone, but as I felt well enough, I went for it. Having met many others at various get togethers, I’ve been surprised to find I was pretty much the only one not to take a long period of several months completely off work. I know I’m lucky to have been well enough to do so and do feel for those who are hit really hard with chemo.
Hopefully start my last cycle of chemo tablets tomorrow, so there’s light at the end of the tunnel… then radiotherapy… maybe I’ll take some more time off then?! I could do with some more “me time”!!
I gather you are medical - nurse or doctor? I am a paediatric nurse and they will not let me work. I feel so well have offered but have been signed off until last chemo 9th feb. I am sure I have chemo brain - but really need some brain challenging work.
I so admire the ladies that have manged to work throughout.
I too am a paediatric nurse - have a supportive manager, and ohs. Onc said no to clinical work but there is enough non clinical stuff to keep me going a couple of days a week.
What was their reason for saying no to you??