Hi Nikki
the first rule of chemo - is don’t panic. It is possible to get through it in one piece - i did it so anyone can !!! I have just finished 3xfec followed by 3xtax. I have to say I found the fec slightly more manageable in terms of getting on with life.
My first fec was soooo easy, I wondered what all the fuss was about, then the 2nd one was much harder, but really only because I thought the 1st one was a breeze, if you know what I mean?
The first one was like a bad hangover, and the effects for me, only lasted a few days and i was back to normal.
I would recommend anti constipation tablets or prune juice, I suffered terribly from constipation, it was truly awful.
The nausea was manageable and luckily I only experienced it for the first day after chemo. Domperidone wasn’t strong enough for me, I had cyclzine too.
Drink loads of water - to get the chemicals out of system so it doesn’t irritate your bladder.
Headaches, were manageable with regular paracetomal.
Day 10 after the 1st fec my hair started to come out, upstairs and downstairs. I still haven’t needed to shave my legs, one benefit!!! I shaved my head, it was easier for me than having it fall out.
Sleep when you need to, the first few days after fec I slept a lot, maybe 18 hours a day, but your body needs it.
Be prepared with healthy snacks, the steriods made me ravenous, I have gained 2 stone in 6 months. I tried to eat healthy snacks, but unfortunately I have no will power and choc tasted too good.
After the first week, I felt better and better and was practically back to normal before the next dose was due. Good Luck, you will do this. Don’t be too frightened.
I got really squeamish with the canula that put into give the chemo and they gave me loraezpam to chill me out. Don’t be afraid to ask for extra help this way if you need to.
Keep posting and let us know how you do.
Love and hugs
Ang xx