Hi everyone,
i finished all my treatment in sept 08 just wondering when i should be due my 1st mammogram, i was diagnosed in jan 08 had snb and chemo then wle in june 08 and rads.
am not looking forward to having one for the obvious reasons plus i have some lymphoedma in the breast so having it squashed will be agony!!
i am due to see breast consultant in june 09 so if i have not heard anything will check with him.
Best wishes to you alll
Hi Sarah
I had my first one roughly 1 year after diagnosis at my first check up.
Good idea to check in June.
with best wishes - wizz
I have just received my appt for the 1st mammo after dx March 08, lumpectomy 25.3.08, 6 chemo and rads all finishing Sept 08. I am triple negative and therefore have no follow up treatment. I have got slight lymphoedema in the breast and quite anxious about having the mammo which is on 7.4.09. Can anyone let me know what to expect?
Hi Sarah,
I finished my rads nov 09 and have got my 1st mammogram on wednesday 25th March. I to am concerned but we must keep our chins up. I seem to have strange feelings in my opposite underarm but try to stay hopeful. I also have very achey joints and pins & needles in my finger tips since ending rads but think this down to Arimidex. Lyn
It depends where you are being treated. In Leicester you only get a mammo every 18 months. I was dx Feb 07, and so had my next mammo Aug 08. Other hospitals do it every 12 months.
Hi, I had first mammo about 6 weeks ago which would be a year since wle. Then went on to have chemo and rads which finished in December 08. I too am triple neg. Have picked up on two of you mentioning that you have lymphodema in breast and just wondering how you have had this diagnosed.
Since having the mammo I have now got swelling in breast which looks very similar to when I had the wle. Mammo was ok just a bit painful but over really quickly. Since getting the swelling I have asked to see the onc and she was not worried as the mammo came back clear. Do not know when I will see the breast surgeon again but having one larger boob is quite uncomfortable by the end of the day. Next onc appt is in September.
Thanks Lynda
I had my mammogram one year after dx. My breast is now quite small after surgery and it was absolute agony. Felt like they had all my ribs in the machine too! The upside was it was clear.
Best wishes Judy x
I am now 2 and a half years post dx so have had 2 annual mammos.I also have some breast lymphoedema which for me was a sort of hard area in the breast which went with massage then came back after a while.The mammos were ok and the lymphoedema didnt make them more painful.I paid to have my mammos privately cos I cant cope with waiting for results.I am trip neg and had 3 monthly checks for 2 years now on 6 monthly.So far NED.
Road runner- I was interested in your comment re Leicester treatment. Is it the same whichever consultant you have ? Do you know why we Leicester BC patients also wait so long for our initial post treatment appointment? I was dx after routine mammo in June 08 , finished treatment in Jan09 and my first follow-up appointment is not until August 09.
Presumably I will not have a mammo until December?
My first mammo is a year after my surgery and coming up a bit too close for comfort, on 6 April. I finished treatment on 31 Dec2008
Lily x