1st Oncology appointment coming up

Good thoughts Sozza, these forums tend to contain people’s bad experiences rather than good ones, and those of us who have an easier time of it tend to be wary of sounding insensitive or smug.

Glad your stats are excellent, that’s great news, and super that you have an onc you can relate to. My onc was brilliant and I’m sure it made a big difference - one week he was off and I got a very incompetent stand in which left me in bits (to be fair the hosp were brill when I spoke to the BCN, fitted me in straight away with a decent onc and addressed all my groundless fears caused by the clot I saw; he was never there again…). So if you are unhappy with the onc you get you can ask for another one.

Hope all goes well for you all.

Just to agree with RevCat - I too am one of the boring ones!

I had FEC-T, had no really horrific side effects and managed to carry on working normally for two weeks out of three for all but one cycle. It’s not pleasant, but it’s doable.

Some SEs you can’t escape - hair loss, tiredness, bad taste in your mouth, generally feeling a bit rubbish for a few days after - but not everyone gets every side effect possible.

For anyone who has to have chemo, may all your SEs be small ones!

Good luck to all.

Ive got my consultation tomorrow with results from the op and my oncology appointment on friday. My mind is doing overtime worrying and wondering

Ive had a thought…as my oncology appt has been brought forward to friday do you think this could mean that the nodes and margins were clear??

Would they make oncology appt to go onto the next step if i still needed further surgery (aux node clearancem, non clear margins etc)

Im holding on to this bit of hope that it means all was well from op, any thoughts welcome…

Hi Clare - I had one of my oncology appointments brought forward and I worried about it. A call to my BCN for advice prompted her to ring the Oncologist secretary. They had brought my appointment forward because she had booked a late holiday and they were re-arranging all her appointments.

Good luck for Friday - hope you get some good news and don’t forget to come and tell us all about it.