1st Oncology appointment coming up

I have received a letter confirming my first oncology appointment.

I phoned to check and this is to discuss my treatment plan. So I have my follow up appointment (from lumpectomy surgery) on wednesday then oncology appointment on friday. Bit anxious but obviously want to get it all moving.

Can anyone tell me what to expect from first oncology meeting and how soon after treatment may start? In my head im thinking chemo will be first, four weeks post op (will only be two weeks thurs)

Was hoping to get back to work on monday for couple of weeks before treatment starts.

I had my oppointment 2 weeks and 2 days b4 the first chemo, at the oppointment the onc gave facts and figures on what good the chemo was hoped to do, checked that I wanted to go ahead, and the nurse weighed and measured me (for the doseage). If you can take someone with you as you will get given info that you will forget as you leave the room! Chemo started 6 weeks after my MX
good luck

Hi Clare

Re your onc appt - if your surgeon hasn’t already, your onc will probably take you through the path results from your op and his recommendations as to further treatment. He may ask if you want to know the 10 year survival stats and recurrance stats with and without further treatment (these are calculated by a computer programme based on plugging in all the info they have about you and your cancer). It’s your choice if you want to know this.

Is it already certain that you do need chemo? That isn’t always the case. If you do need chemo, he will talk you through the specific regime he is recommending and weigh you (to calc dose). Chemo normally starts 4-6 weeks post op - think there are NICE guidelines on this.

If you need rads, he will talk you through what’s involved with that - he may delay that chat if he’s talked about chemo to save on the info overload.

HTH - good luck

there is a good publication on this site that you can download on the path report your surgeon will be going through and questions to ask.

Everybody says things are so much easier to cope with once you get your treatment plan, so its good that the appointment is so soon.

Might be different for chemo, but i saw my oncologist who explained the treatment plan and I had a tour of the department, and then we made an appointment for planning, ie measuring me up and deciding exactily what I needed where.

Thanks charlotte and DJ, its reassuring to know i may still have a couple of weeks to gear myself up for it and get back on a healthier diet for a couple of weeks (have been comfort eating crap a lot)

At my diagnosis there was a question mark next to chemo but after talking to my BC nurse she said it was very likely as it was grade 3. Ive cut my hair really short in preparation for it, i wanted one last funky fun style! If i dont have to have it then obviously thats a bonus but i want to have the best chance of beating it so if its down to my choice which ive heard about on these threads i prob will go with it.

Thanks charlotte and DJ, its reassuring to know i may still have a couple of weeks to gear myself up for it and get back on a healthier diet for a couple of weeks (have been comfort eating crap a lot)

At my diagnosis there was a question mark next to chemo but after talking to my BC nurse she said it was very likely as it was grade 3. Ive cut my hair really short in preparation for it, i wanted one last funky fun style! If i dont have to have it then obviously thats a bonus but i want to have the best chance of beating it so if its down to my choice which ive heard about on these threads i prob will go with it.

Thanks charlotte and DJ, its reassuring to know i may still have a couple of weeks to gear myself up for it and get back on a healthier diet for a couple of weeks (have been comfort eating crap a lot)

At my diagnosis there was a question mark next to chemo but after talking to my BC nurse she said it was very likely as it was grade 3. Ive cut my hair really short in preparation for it, i wanted one last funky fun style! If i dont have to have it then obviously thats a bonus but i want to have the best chance of beating it so if its down to my choice which ive heard about on these threads i prob will go with it.

sorry it wasnt worth saying three times

Thanks oal

Yes, it was, Clare!

Just to concur with others have said - take a notebook and if possible a scribe with you to note things down. Timings vary, I had my first chemo nine days after my first onc appointment, and it would have been sooner had they not had to wait for some test results (though mine was neoadjuvant - before surgery - which may make a difference).

I saw the BCN straight after the onc and she totally overloaded me with information, so I was really glad of the notes my friend took. It was all really good advice - on diet, skin care, hair-while-it-lasted care, scalp care, nail care, mouth care etc etc. I seemed to get off fairly lightly compared to lots of people in terms of side effects which may be that I was a girly swat and did everything I was told and maybe that I was just lucky.

I made a list of questions before I went and gave my friend a copy so she could ask if I dried up. My hospitals seem very reluctant to talk statistics with anyone, partly as they are based on people treated many years ago and treratments have moved on since.

Hope it goes well for you. You will get through. Enjoy your funky hairdo.

Thanks Revcat. Im taking hubby with me, hes pretty good at retaining information, we often joke about his shocking memory. Will take pen and paper too.

Just want to get on with it really…is that weird? The waiting just seems to make me more anxious

Hi Clare

Had my first onc appointment on 31st Dec- first chemo dose on 14th Jan. As the others said lots of information given out and discussion etc also signed the consent form.

Hope all goes well for you


Hi Clare, not weird at all - I was glad to get started too. Good news your hubby is a memory man! Hope all goes well

Hi Clare, thanks for asking the question I was pondering on myself. Got my first onc appointment on 20th and found your thread interesting reading. My pen and pad are packed and ready, don’t generally take anyone with me as I end up worrying about them getting upset rather than me concentrating on what I’ve got to do, but as I keep hearing on this fab site, everyone’s different and thank goodness there’s no right or wrong. Although, I’m sure I come across as a hard nosed mare, It’s like it’s happening to somebody else and I just can’t get over worrying about how this is upsetting some of my good friends. I’m sure I’ll get round to that moment of self soon! Good luck with your treatment, Simone xxx
(aka Confused.com!!!)

Hello clare
Well I had oncologist last tues, tomorrow I have chemo nurse appt for tour and prep info and Q’s. THEN start on Friday, but need portacath op before Fri and not got day for that to be done yet! I was desperate to just get started - sooner it starts sooner it finishes - hmmm now it starts this week have some nerves and feeling worried but assume this is normal??? I’m in Northampton and it seems the process changes quite a lot across the country and of course everyones treatment is not comparable at all!
I had my mx 7 1/2 weeks ago and that waiting time has been hell even tho the kids off school to keep me busy ha ha!

Hi everyone else some I recognise love and hugs to all

Michelle xxx

Hi Clare,i saw my onc last friday for the first time & i start my chemo this friday,gulp! They don’t hang about,lol. But horrible as it will be,i actually want to just get on with it now so i know what u mean. My appt took about 2 & a half hours, i had a good chat with the onc first who explained everything, then had bloods taken, then went & had a look around the chemo unit & was shown the cold cap unit as well. The chemo nurse explained absolutely everything,it was information overload so it is better to have another pair of ears although u are given a pack with all the info in. They did a wig referral as well & i go & choose one this week,also got to have echo & ecg tomorrow & another blood test weds & the clinic will ring me thurs to check all ok before friday, phew! And im working inbetween,lol.It’s like a whirlwind this week, im trying to make sure i have all the essentials i need to help with the chemo & the nurse will give tips on what to get as well as all the lovely ladies on here. Good luck.

Hi Michelle,
Hope the skin is recovering… can picture where N’pton onc unit is just about. No yomping in Harlestone Firs after chemo - lie down and get O/H to feed you treats… if you can taste them :frowning:

You will do this! Just be very kind to yourself

hjv, the echo and ecg are just quick checks to make sure your heart is healthy and really no big deal. You will be glad to get started. Good luck with the cold cap.

Sandipantshell, ur starting the same day as me, the 16th? I have to say im now starting to get very nervous & i’ve been ok so far with the ops etc. I think it’s perfectly normal, im worried about sitting there & not letting them put it in cos im scared,lol. I think i’ll have butterflies come friday, its the fear of the unknown i think, letting them fill ur body with that stuff & wondering what’s going to happen.Im sure we’ll get through it though, take care xx

Thanks for all the info and well wishes ladies. Its all much appreciated x

Simone - wishing you well too and stop worrying about others and we all deal with this differently so dont worry about how you come across, like you say there is no right or wrong, its an individual journey but with lots of support x

I went for my first appointment yesterday, what a lovely lady she was!
I have been so scared all along but she totally put my mind at ease and made me feel that this can be taken care of and that I can go on to lead a full life.
My statistics of being here in 10 years were excellent and I felt like she gave me my life back.
She wants me to have the chemo which I am dreading. I am hoping that it is one of those scenarios where it’s not as bad as you think.
She even hugged me at the end of the appointment.
Clare37 I would say be careful about reading on the net and even on these forums cos I found out yesterday that information scares the life out of you and is often incorrect.
For example I thought that being grade 3 was all doom and gloom but it actually responds better to chemo.
Good luck for your appointment.