2.5 years later

2012 I was diagnosed with stage two Ductal Carcimona Breast cancer…during the course of my chemo treatments, my period stopped coming. In fact the last day was November 29th, 2012. It has been 2.5 or so years later and it is just now coming back. TODAY!!! Is this normal? Should it have taken this long? My GYN and Oncologist said that it would because I am not in the menopause age bracket as of yet (41). Nevertheless after two yrs, I gave up all thought that it would come back. Today was a SHOCK to my system…Has this happened to anyone else…should I be concerned?

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Lucy BCC

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I was a bit older than you - diagnosed at 44, periods stopped during chemo.  I was 45 when I started tamoxifen and 50 when I stopped.  I assumed I was through the menopause by then.  Three months later my periods returned.  I was 50!  Amazed, horrified, shocked! I had four periods over the course of 12 months, now nothing for over a year so I think that is finally it.  It was my hormones having one last go at me and getting the last laugh.  So in answer to your question, I think anything can happen.