2 days before my holiday!

2 days before my holiday!

2 days before my holiday! Hi everyone, i have only 5 rads left now!! getting so excited. The staff have been brilliant there and one of the girls goes out of her way to practice her English on me- mind you i cant understand her much but its the thought that counts. When i was leaving today she said that next week the machine is having some maintanance so will have extra treatment the following week. So, i have my last rad 2 days before i fly of to Tenerife! thats cutting it abit fine. Oh well, not to worry.

Hi Pineapple Hope you have the most wonderful, well deserved holiday.
sun sea and sand!
and dont forget your flight socks!!!
Love Sue x

Will i need flight socks ??? i am not on tamoxefen till i get back from hols so have had chemo (finsihed 10 week) and then the radium? surely i dont need them?

think you will need flight socks, hope you have a great holiday ,all that lovely sea and sunshine remember to keep covered though!

Sorry to go on but i thought you only needed flight socks when on tamoxifen? How come you need if after being on chemo and radium. help someone as i am running out of time to try to get them,my onc never mentioned it and i am in France (hope you can get them here).
can someone please give me info??

I have flown to Tenerife three times since finishing treatment in December 04. I am taking Tamoxifen and have not worn flight socks. I haven’t had any problems and I’m still here to tell the tale! I have always managed to get an aisle seat which makes it easier to go for a little walk and I also do the exercises recommended on the flight safety sheet.

So if you’re not taking Tamoxifen you should be fine but If you are still worried, it may be an idea to contact your GP to get his opinion.

Hope you have a super holiday - we were there 3 weeks ago and the weather was lovely - blue skies, sunshine and 23C - just what the doctor ordered!!
