2 weekly EC vs 2 weekly paclitaxel

Hi all :slightly_smiling_face:

I started by chemo journey at the beginning of December.

I have just finished 4 x EC that was every 2 weeks and due to start 4 x paclitaxel every 2 weeks.

The side effects of EC have been rubbish. Bad nauseous on Saturday/Sunday after chemo on the Thursday. Very slowly start to feel human on the Monday but fully myself around 9/10 days.

Curious to know if anyone else has been on the same regimen and if the side effects of paclitaxel after been a little easier. I have been looking for info on breast cancer site but focuses more on weekly infusions.

Thank you :revolving_hearts: xx

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I was on the same regimen as you, sorry EC hasn’t been great for you. It took me up to 10 days to pull round from EC too. I didn’t particularly have nausea but I just felt poorly - like I had flu without the nasal congestion!

I tolerated paclitaxel MUCH better. I only had very slight nausea on my final cycle, but it only lasted a day. The only issue I had really was intense bone/joint/muscle pain which usually lasted from about day 2 to day 5; however, this could have been from the pegfilgrastim. I managed ok by taking painkillers.

Oh I also had very mild neuropathy in my fingers and toes and my tastebuds went funny, but compared to EC it felt like a walk in the park to me. Appreciate others may have had different experiences but I’d take paclitaxel over EC any day!

Best of luck with it :blush:

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Hi and Thanks Sharlou :slightly_smiling_face: nice to hear you overall had a better experience on the paclitaxel. Hoping for the same!

I can’t find many other mentions of our regimens so its nice to hear your experience. Sorry to hear about your side effects also!

Well done for finish chemo! I got emotional after halfway as so glad EC was done lol.

I have heard the bone pain can be one of the main side effects along with the neuropathy. My taste buds went for a wander after first EC and and yet to come back fully! I am taking filgrastim for 5 days after EC and had been fine but last EC was super achy so expecting the same with paclitaxel. At the moment I feel I can deal with the bone/muscle ache aslong as the nausea isn’t as intense. We will wait and see! Not looking forward to the 3 hours infusion time :grimacing: yikes!!

All the very best with the rest of your treatment after chemo!


I had EC and then docetaxal which I think is pretty similar. I could not cope with EC and was nearly in tears heading into every round. I found it absolutely debilitating.

Docetaxal was way better and if it had been 6 rounds of that then I would have said chemo wasn’t really a huge drama. It was a gradual feeling of unwellness coming over me after a couple of days. A couple of days taking it easy and then back to normal over two days. EC floored me for 9/10 days straight.

Hello @d84

I know you were asking re 2 weekly, which I can’t tell you - just sharing my 3 weekly and weekly experience.

I had 9 x weekly Pax after 3 x EC every 3 weeks. Coming off the steroids for EC (huge dose before treament and at home for 3 days) was horrible. I couldn’t walk (stumble more like) across a room without holding on to anything for a few days (usually Tuesday to Thursday or Friday after treatment on a Friday). Other side effects weren’t too bad. I worked as I wanted to throughout the whole treatment period and always took the week after off sick after EC.

Pax was so much easier. No steroids at home, much lower dose before treatment. Hardly any ‘coming down’ effects at all. I could be slightly spaced the next day. Different taste in my mouth v EC (gone off milk v sea water) and my hair started growing back (chuffing great nose hair first!). I did get the slightest neuropathy in my finger tips towards the end. There was quite a bit in my left foot and calf but I had a bit anyhow from my sciatic nerve being nudged in a complicated hip operation a couple of years beforehand.

As Pax was on Friday, I was back in work on Monday and even drove myself too and from appointments. A definite walk in the park compared to EC and less time in the chair too.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience :slightly_smiling_face:

I am so so glad that the EC is over, just got the side effect to go then the worst is over, hopefully!! I never got any steroids home with me for EC just IV steroids as a pre med before infusion.

I’ve bought cool hands and socks should I need them for neuropathy.

Unfortunately my paclitaxel is a 3 hour infusion for dose dense every 2 weeks :scream: very glad I have decided not to cool cap!

All the best with the rest of your treatment and getting back to normal. Amazing you are back at work :blush: xx

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Hi Helen39,

I was the same, for EC i was in tears the night before going into hospital and instantly felt sick when walking into the ward. If I was having another 4 EC I don’t think I could do it. I was a gpod 9/10 days before I could go do normal activities.

Got every crossed the taxel is kinder :pray::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: surelt cant be any worse! Yikes!

All the best to you going forward :two_hearts: xx

Same to you…I’m three years out now and it seems like it happened to someone else. X

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Amazing you’re 3 weeks passed now
:grinning: sometimes feels like when in the middle of it you’re getting nowhere!

Take care and best wishes :revolving_hearts:

Thank you

Treatment all done and dusted. Diagnosed December 2020. Mastectomy Jan 2021. Chemo Feb to May. Rads June. I had Zometa infusions from November 2021 twice a year for 3 years. I changed to infusions as the tablets really interfered with my lifestyle.

Just Anastrazole tablets until 2031. Annual mammograms - next one in 2 weeks.

I felt like the old me around May 2022 - so it took nearly a year to get ‘back to normal’ in my body and mind. My body was ‘healed’ before my mind got there. You will get there. There is life after BC and your treatment. Promise xx

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Hi can you advise me what EC is ? It can be confusing with acronyms :frowning:
Thank you :pray:

Hi Etienne,

EC is epirubicin and cyclophosphamide. It’s a common combination of chemo drugs for breast cancer.

Hope this helps :two_hearts:

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Thank you so many of them and I had seen it written several times xx

I was another who had 3 EC followed by 9 Paclitaxel and I definitely found Paclitaxel considerably easier. Due to the IV Benadryl they give before starting the Paclitaxel I used to get super sleepy and then go to bed once I got home for basically the rest of the day. I woke up the following day feeling so amazingly refreshed :grinning:. I miss my Benadyl sleeps now I’m menopausal and wake up needing a wee umpteen times a night haha. I did experience some peripheral neuropathy at the very tips of my fingers but that resolved pretty rapidly once I’d finished that treatment. I did struggle a bit with the ice mittens though so I possibly wasn’t getting the optimal benefit of them by clenching my hands into fists inside them.

I had exactly same regime as you , I didn’t feel there was much difference between EC and paclitaxil . I felt rough with both for the initial 4/5 days then would improve . Not a great deal of nausea but suffered with really bad constipation . Bone was quite bad but also I think that was the pegfilgrastim .
I just ate a bland diet , no coco cola or alcohol . I lived on Aldi diet Fanta lemon , and I managed a small walk every day with the dog . Once chemo is complete the relief you feel is immense . I wish you all the best luck xx

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