2 wks to live unless 2 nd chemo works

12 months ago my lovely 42 sis in law was diagnosed with aggressive bc,had mastectomy,removal of lymph nodes,chemo and radio.recently she has had fluid in lungs,trapped lung,terrible pain and fatigue.after 10 weeks of this she was told that there was a cancerous node and she was expected to live for 12-24 months.only 2 wks later an up to date scan shows spread to lungs and bones and the devestating news that she has only two weeks to live.oncologist has said because she is so strong willed and young that she will try chemo yesterday and on wed will decide if any improvement, if not will stop it.is there any hope? any more treatments?should we ask for second opinion.apart from being breathless and easily tired the pain meds etc are allowing her to enjoy things.any advice appreciated,she is such a lovely person and its heartbreaking
thank you xxx

Hi Libran,
So sorry to hear about your sister in law, what a difficult time for you all.
Of course, a second opinion can be requested, so it all depends on how your sis in law & the family feel about it all & whether this will help you all to feel that you’ve explored the all options & have done everything you can.
It might be an idea to ring the helpline here if you feel the need to talk it through.
ann x

dear ann
thank you so much for taking the time to reply and for your kind words.whilst not wanting to cause further unnecessary suffering if the oncologist stops this chemo(after an only one time administration) i err on the side of at least seeing if a second expert says the same,so that everything has been explored.of course always putting sis in laws feelings first as its hers not my journey
i dont know how to choose the ‘best’ expert for second opinion but i will do my best to find out how
thank you again and kindest wishes to you xxx

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