Hi everyone,
I’m not wobbling [well not much, maybe a little], but do have other concerns and wondered if anyone relates to them. I was diagnosed August 2011, had first a lymph gland op [clear, phew!], followed by chemo [Tax, HORRID!], lumpectomy, rads, my treatment finished May 2012. I still have VERY thin hair, brittle split nails, low energy, low stamina and excess weight, but have lost some lbs and no longer look bloated. This all affects my self esteem. I have been proactive in so much as I had my eyebrows threaded which look so much better, had my hair cut a few times, and last visit to hairdresser had foil colours - which is an improvement but as it’s so thin/sparse it has to be washed and styled daily, t’s short so that’s no biggy, however if I get caught in the rain I look almost bald! I eat very healthy foods, all prepared from scratch with good, fresh ingredients, but still my nails are brittle and my energy/stamina levels low. I also still have bad concentration and word loss; and peripheral neuropathy which keeps me awake, my sleep patterns are erratic, I seem to be up most of the night, sometimes - only occasionally - until 8.00am, other times I get to sleep around 5.00am, if I do mange to sleep at a more reasonable time…say, midnight, I’m awake at 4.00am, so can’t win!
Any body else suffering these, or some of these side effects left over from chemo? Sorry for the long post, I’ll be so grateful if anyone has tips how to deal with any of these problems.
BTW, I’ve tried nyoxyl and it did seem to make a difference at first, but then stopped having an effect, I also apply different oils to my scalp e,g, castor, grape, argan, I do think they help but my hair is still much thinner than pre treatment.
Thanks for reading, and if you got to the end without yawning, well done!