As title says.
I’m 21, and now having chemotherapy for breast cancer, have had a lumpectomy.
I’ve known a few people over the years with breast cancer but all have been above roughly 45, so feeling rather isolated at the moment.
Have two wonderful friends who have been amazing - sadly both live miles away but have really kept me going with phone calls and kind emails.
Anyone got any tips on how to cope with it all?
Hi im 22 and just finished chemo. I had 6 lots of chemo 3 fex and 3 t every 3 week. I was lucky didnt find it that bad. With the fec i had heartburn, fuzzy head and lack of energy. with the T i had aches and tiredness.I alawys drank plenty of fluid the day before the day of and the day after my treatment to flush it through my body. I know you will have good days and bad days but you will get there!!
michelle xx
Hi Benji
I hope you will find this site a source of support. Although I was 45 when diagnosed I didn’t know of anyone who’d had breast cancer and we’d just moved to the countryside so I felt very cut off. It’s not the same as your situation but I do understand that sense of isolation.
Coming on this site makes you realise that you aren’t alone and there are other women out there who understand some of what you’re going through.
I don’t know what your circumstances are and whether you’re living with family or friends? All I’d say is don’t be afraid to ask for help - people often want to do something.
I also found reading really helped me through chemo. There’s only so much television I can watch especially the daytime sort! I got a whole lot of books I wanted to read and worked my way through as soon as I felt up to it. It helped me to stop thinking about what I was going through.
Take care, Elinda x
Hello Benji
sorry you are here, there is lots of support from the younger womans forum
Have you read the C word. written by Lisa Lynch, she has a blog and is on FB
BC has no place in your world… or in anybody’s world… but especially in someone so young
There is a wealth of info on here, don’t go delving into the internet stick to this site and macmillan
sending you a hug Rhian x
HI Benji, so sorry to hear you are having BC treatment at such a young age - as the others have said there is the younger women’s forum, and also maybe give the helpline a ring and ask what they suggest - maybe there is a way of getting you in touch with others yp around the country in addition to the forums. Well done with the chemo - it can be a bit of a grind, but jump on here if you have anyquestions and we old birds(I was 50 this yesr!) can try to answer,
great that your friends are so good, and nice for them to be able to help too - that was my big learning from BC - people like to help…
all the best Nicola
Hi Benji and welcome to the BCC forums
In addition to the wonderful support you have already, here’s a link to information, resources and support BCC can offer you:
Our helpline is open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat, here you can access further support and information on 0808 800 6000.
Take care
Hi Benji,
I am 29 and having chemo now. I now how shocking and how it is to have BC as this early age but hang in there this will also come and pass. I remember how upset I was when I was just diagnosed and I still have my moments now and then. I find it easier if I keep myself busy. I also find walk and exercise very useful. so as soon as I feel well enough I make sure I have my walks and exercises everyday. It helps me to regain my energy and I feel much better afterwards.
Like garelle said; there will be good and bad days but you will get there!
Hello Benji, I’m so sorry to read that someone so young is going through this. You don’t mention your family - are they able to support you? I really hope you have some family around for you. My daughter is 27 years old, and my son is 20 years old, and I would want to wrap them in cotton wool if (God forbid), either of them were effected by cancer.
I don’t know what area of the Country you live, but some people on this site have formed support groups, so it might be worthwhile making enquiries.
all i can do is send a hug!
…and me too. Two hugs coming your way.
Sadie Xx
Wow! Thank you so much for all of your lovely answers.
I’ve currently got the flatmate from hell - I was rather poorly yesterday and she told me to stop being so pathetic and weak - I’d thrown up 5 times in an hour, so wasn’t feel my most chipper!
I’ve just started reading Lisa Lynch’s blog - its an interesting read so thanks for that!
Family aren’t on the scene - lost my parents a few years ago, and don’t get on with the rest of the family - besides they live over 100 miles away!
I’m currently in North London, don’t know whats available down here as the nurse hasn’t been particularly helpful but shall have a look around.
Thank you for the hugs 
Hi Benji,
Theres maggie
s centre at charing cross and haven at feltham that offer complementary therapies and other stuff. Though I haven`t got time to check them out yet. A little busy and tired right now as life have been a bit hectic with recent BC diagnosis, etc… But hoping to try those out towards the end of the June when I know I am going to have plenty of free time available:) I also remember someone mentioning another complementary therapy place in bond street.
I am sorry to hear about your parents. The nausea and the sickness takes a lot out of you, not to mention the lethargy!
I guess everyone reacts differently to this and maybe your flatmate is unsure on how to behave under the circumstances. I remember telling one of my friends that I thought was very dear and close to me about my BC diagnosis soon after I was diagnosed. She likened my BC to having a flue and said that she found it very weird that I looked upset!!
I live in London and just had my fec2 at charing X on Wednesday. How far along are you?
Oh! I also get terribly sick and nauseous during chemo, I was given Emend and cyclizine injections for this time around and they really helped. Have you thought about asking your onc about better antiemetics?
I agree with michelle about drinking plenty of fluids to flush out the bad stuff.
I hope you are feeling better now.
Hi Benji
so sorry to hear you have BC at 21… i was 37 the first time and that was bad enough.
if your being sick def get in touch with your onc or bcn and tell them how poop you are they should be able to give you something to get it under control… granisetron is very good.
do you have a landlord? can you speak to them about your loser of a flatmate?
take care
lulu x
hi benji,
i was diagnosed in january this year with breast cancer i was really shocked because i was 27 years old and with no family history of bc in the family it totally shattered my life, i have 3 children (1 is autistic) and it has been hard thankfully i have a wonderful partner to help and care for my family. i had to have 4 fec and so far done 1 docetaxel (next cycle is on wednesday then 2 left after that) i can’t wait until this is all over i am the youngest at the hospital getting treatment or breast cancer and i do feel alone so i know how you feel about that it’s not nice at all. we just need to stay strong and focus on the future sending you a big hug X
from terri