21 years since my last breast cancer now i have pre cancerous cells in the same boob

Im in shock and my head is reeling after being clear of breast cancer for 21 years ( my first was estrogen fed 2cm grade 3 in 2003) ive just had mammogram and tests to be told i have low to moderste pre cancerous cells and because ive had radiotherapy in the past this is not an option for me …so its either lumpectomy with tamoxafen or masectomy no reconstruction as they say the breast tissue is damaged after radio and it wont accept a reco struction the same also ime recovering from a full right hip replacement and this news landed 3 days after op !!!

They have to wait 6 weeks before op because of my hip.op :roll_eyes::grimacing:

Its a lot i know im not sleeping and so anxious my emotions are all over the place !


Welcome to the forum @gayedwards. I’m so sorry that you’re going to have to have treatment again but you’re in the right place to find support whilst going through it. Alas er+ is known to potentially recur years after the first diagnosis, it’s a fact that those of us who have had it have to learn to live with. There are plenty of women here who have a second diagnosis many years later and who will be along to give you the benefit of their experience. The good news is that they are precancerous cells so should be easily treatable but a second bout of surgery so soon after your hip replacement must be overwhelming. If you need someone knowledgeable to talk to, please call our nurses on 0808 800 6000 and they will give you time to talk through your emotions and answer any questions that you may have. Treatments for breast cancer have moved on immeasurably in the 21 years since your first diagnosis so try to have confidence in the process even though it may seem difficult at the moment.


Thankyou for your reassuring reply I really do appreciate it X

Hope you find the best way forward.

I’m more or less the same as you for primary cancer, and just about to undertake radiotherapy. Recurrence is a concern, but I’m in a temporary happy zone….so I am choosing to ignore that for the foreseeable future.

I didn’t know breast reconstruction was not an option second time around. I asked about the “what if” and was told mastectomy, but they failed to mention about reconstruction. And in honesty, I’ve not done a great deal of research on this…unlike my diagnosis. I don’t really have any other options, so it’s a case of having to take whatever they can give.

Will be thinking of you, and wish you a speedy recovery from your next surgery.