Hi all.
Firstly i want to apologise as i am sure this has probably been asked before but i wanted to tell you my story. Hope that’s ok!
I am 22 years old, have an amazing husband and a very handsome 1 year old little boy! Just over a month ago maybe even 2 i began feeling some pains in my left arm, around my should blade and in my armpit. Now, i have always had pains in various areas of my body (stress apparently) so didnt think too much off it. After a few days of it (which isn’t normally the case) i had a feel around to see if i could figure out where the pain was coming from, there was nothing. I began to inpect my breast and found a lump. Immediately i called the doctor. She could not feel anything at my first appointment just small lumps not like what i could feel. We left it like that with a follow up appointment 3 weeks later.
I went back and after telling her i had began having pain in the breast itself where i could feel the lump and also in my armpit i was referred to the breast clinic. Here i saw a male doctor who could feel the lump and confirmed the swelling in the armpit and breast and booked me in for an ultrasound. I had the scan this morning. The scan shows nothing, absolutley nothing. The lady who did the ultrasound said she couldnt feel a lump just little lumps and nothing showed on the ultrasound. She bascially dismissed me, said i just had lumpy breasts and it was nothing. It made me feel stupid and like i was going crazy.
As soon as i got back home i felt my breast again and i could feel the lump. Now i must say i can not feel the lump if i lay down. I can only feel it when i am sitting up, same as both doctors. I do not think that would effect the ultrasound though?
Having looked online on different websites/forums i found some people had been diagnosed yet nothing had shown on their mammograms or ultrasounds at first. Is an MRI the next step as i feel i can not leave it here. We all know our own bodies and i feel that i need answers and to what is wrong with mine.
I would like to know really if anyone has been in the same situation where nothing has shown on an ultrasound or mammogram or both, was simply dismissed and was then later diagnosed?
The thought of not knowing is driving me crazy and i would just like to know what it is so i can relax a little and be there 100% for my family.
Hi all,
Me again! Just wanted to update my post. I have since been back to the hospital and the doctor did a biopsy. This was Tuesday so now awaiting the results! I am absolutely petrified. I can’t stop going over it in my head. How long was it before anyone else got their results back?
Hope everyone is doing OK x x
Hi xxMumofOnexx,
so sorry you are still waiting and wondering and that no-one has yet replied to your post (the changes to the forum are great but a lot of old timers are still adjusting to them!)
Different hospitals take different lengths of time to give biopsy results (so mine was one hour for ‘informal’ results and a week for ‘formal’ detailed ones). Typically it is around a week, but can be two or more. Why not give them a quick ring early next week to see if they are back, and if not, ask when you can expect them.
The waiting is the absolute worst, so hope you have some good things planned this weekend for you and your little one.
Wonderful! Keep checking yourself