My name is Megan and I’m 22, for the past couple of months I’ve had this extreme itchiness in one breast along with eczema. I didn’t think much of it as I regularly check my breasts and I’ve been preoccupied with my Dad having tests that could result in Cancer diagnosis. I found a lump a few weeks ago and thought I’ll just wait and check it’s not hormonal.
I went to the GP on Friday after I felt it had got a bit larger. I was truly hoping he was just going to say oh there is nothing there but he said not only could he feel that one but he felt another two! (those he thought were just cysts). He said he would refer me for an ultrasound and I’d be seen within 3 weeks.
I didn’t ask him at the time as I didn’t think it was important but, what does it mean if the lump is movable, I mean I have quite a large bust and not sure if it’s just my boob moving or the actual lump?