24hours till test results.

Hi Tomorrow is another day of test results for for me. I have had 2 ops in 3 weeks. First one WLE and then 6 lymph nodes removed for sampling because of 8mm invasive ductal cancer. Consultant is saying he is 90% certain it has not travelled to my lymph nodes but there is always that 10%.
Just want to get started with my radiotheraphy, and feel as if I am moving on.
Has anybody got any good advice if my lymph nodes are affected.
Wee Annie.

Hi weeannie
No words of advice as my nodes were clear but just to let you know you aren’t alone. Someone will be able to help if needbe.
Good luck for tomorrow.
I assume you must be Scottish with the weeannie.
Lots of love

Evening WeeAnnie,Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight and everything comes right for you tomorrow.Alright I am a few weeks behind you can’t wait to get this begger out and move on to the next stage of this bloody journey. I am trying to just stay at the fisrt stage in this forum, to scared to look further.I’m a wuss.Please post your results as I am following you, god I’m muddleing myself with twitter.I shall think of you tomorrow. love and hugs Faceladyx

Hello wee annie
just wanted to wish you well for tomorrow/today
will be thinking of you - let us know how you go on
monica xxx

Hi hexy
Got my results today and it was good news none of my lymph nodes affected. I have to see the oncologist on Tuesday to talk about chemo as my cancer was a grade 3, although it is now removed they think I should have chemo along with rads as a preventitive measure.
my husband and I are so happy with the news. I know I have lots in front of me but we will cope.
Yes I am scottish I wonder how you guessed that.
Love Weeannie.

Hi daisyleaf
Thanks for your kind thoughts. Got my results and they were good. No cancer has spread to my lymph nodes, although I have to see the oncoligist on Tuesday to discuss chemo as the cancer removed was grade 3.
My husband and I are so happy with the news although we know we still have along road in front of us.
Love Weeannie.

Hi facelady.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. Got my results today and they were good. No cancer has spread to my lymph nodes, but have to see the oncologist on Tuesday to discuss chemo as what was removed was grade 3. This will happen before my radiotheraphy. my husband and I are pleased with the results as it could have been a lot worse.
You hang on in there and I know it is easy to say but try and keep positive.
Love Weeanniexx

Weeannie - You must be thrilled to find your lymph nodes are clear. I know I was elated when I found out my sentinel node was clear. It may seem strange to be so pleased but, as you say, it could have been so much worse. Good luck with your treatment.

(I think the ‘wee’ gives away the Scot in you!)

Love Ann xxx

Such wonderful news, I am so pleased for you and your family. Please keep me informed on your journey
Love Facelady xxx

Hi weeannie
Great news about your lymph nodes. Sorry you have to have chemo but all treatment for cancer isn’t just belt and braces but kitchen sink thrown in as well.
I guessed the Scottish as my dad was. Every time we went to see the relatives I was always wee Margaret being the youngest of 4 other Maragrets in the family!
Hope all goes well for you.