24yr old unusual scan results

I am 24 years old and have been having a bit of bother with my right breast. I first attended the clinic 2 years ago for a lump which was found to be a cyst and was drained the following year due to no change to it going on its own. I went to the clinic yesterday regarding the same area for which I believed the cyst may have filled back up again. I was examined and the nurse agreed there was something there.
Once I had been called to ultrasound that is where everything went very concerning. The scan showed what was described to me as a crease and the area looked as though it was sucked inwards. As a precaution they scanned under my arm and found a similar thing. I was then taken for a mammogram and was told I would need biopsys taken from both the right breast and under my arm. Everything seemed to move very quickly from there. The consultant and nurse both said we don’t know what this is based on the scan results. They were very straight with me saying it will either be nothing or unfortunately you will have breast cancer to which treatment will start immediately.

I’m in a lot of pain now particularly under my arm which is no surprise after having biopsys. But my main concerns are what these creases could be from a cancerous point. I’ve only ever heard of tumors or defined lumps. I’m very comfortable with the situation its just the waiting a week for the results which is hard.

Hi Petal55

Welcome to the BCC Forum.  While you are waiting for other members to respond to your post you might also find it helpful to give our helpline a call.  They’ll be able to offer you information and support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Petal,
The waiting for results is hard, but at least it’s only a week… the hospitals are very good at moving things along quickly. I had a lot of pain following my biopsies too, I think they took about 15-20 in total! Hopefully painkillers will help you with that.

I can only really tell you of my experience, which might not help, but anyway…
My lump was at the bottom of my breast and between me finding it and the hospital referral the skin on the outside changed from being normal in appearance to having a crease on it like the skin was being pulled into the breast. After surgery I was told that the tumour was very close to the skin, so close that they took samples of the skin to test and were concerned that they might have to go back and remove more, luckily there was no cancer actually in the skin.

Anyway, I really hope your results come back as nothing.
Thinking of you xx

Thank you for the replies, although I am very comfortable talking in person and here I realy am not one for talking on the telephone I’m afraid.
My lump is also at the bottom of my breast also and although they describes the scan to be as a crease or ‘sucked in’ the outter appearance is normal. Obviously I know they are preparing me for the worst and they were very insisting that I was comfortable talking to them. All I was getting was we just don’t know. I’m kicking myself now for not asking other questions like from their opinion what is the likelihood of this being cancerous and if not cancerous what is this ‘crease.’
I think the biggest thing for me was that the consultant or nurse didn’t know what it was and was informing me of worst case explaining treatment starting immediately. Are they telling me this because they think it’s cancer or just a precaution.
I apologise for the rant, had all this going round and just had to get it out lol