25, large strange shaped lump, urgent referral, lump has changed, panicking

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the long post but I’m freaking out!

I’m 25 (Just about to turn 26) and 12 days ago after getting out of the shower I did a breast check and straight away felt a large, weirdly shaped solid lump on my breast above my nipple (a few cms above where my areola ends). I could feel it was very obvious and prominent stood up feeling but could not feel it laying down.
The next morning I booked straight in for the Drs, had an appointment that day and the Dr examined me. She said the same thing, she could not feel it laying down. She told me that it could be a hormonal thing, and if it was it would most likely go down after my period. She told me to come back after my period if it hadn’t gone down.
My period was due in the next 5-10 days but came early. So I left it but kept an eye on the lump.

The day after my period ended I checked again and it was bigger, it seemed to have spread width ways across my boob. I booked straight back in to the doctors and asked for a different doctor for a second opinion.
The doctor laid me down first to examine me and spotted where it was straight away. I told her last time I couldn’t feel it laying down at all, and that it felt bigger. She sat me up to examine me and seemed surprised at how big it felt. She told me that she was referring me for an urgent appointment as soon as she felt the lump.
I had my appointment through the next day for exactly 2 weeks time. I have been freaking out ever since I felt the lump, but especially now I’m waiting for the appointment.

The lump has stayed the same until this morning when I felt it, and it feels like it has gone down slightly, still obviously there but now I can’t feel two things. I can feel one lump the feels like a flat pebble that is rounded, which makes me think it’s a cyst. Right next to it I can feel the 2nd lump, which is still hard, doesn’t move, has jagged edges and goes across about half of my boob width ways, it feels long.
Before it felt like one big solid lump and now it feels different, I don’t know what to think!

The lumps don’t hurt at all, but I have also had a throbby pain underneath my nipple, no inverting or discharge though, and where the bigger longer lump starts there is a very slight puckering, like a dip in the skin. I’ve also struggled with fatigue for the last few months, feeling wiped out even with enough sleep. I’ve also been having hot flushes in the evening. Also, my boobs have dropped down a cup size since january even thoigh ive lost no weight.
I’m now stressing that it is just cyst and I’ve been panicking over nothing, and that I will be wasting the clinics time! But im also still panicking that it is cancer.
I still have 10 days until my appointment, and I’m not sure what to do if the lumps keep on changing…

Can anybody share any advice or a similar experience?

Thanks for reading

Danielle x

Hi Danielle, firstly try not to get yourself in to a panic, it could be just about anything and the least likely thing is cancer honestly. You won’t be wasting anybody’s time by getting it checked out so don’t worry yourself about that, they are only too happy to see you at the breast clinics and even more pleased when they can give you good news. 


However things change over the next 10 days please keep your appointment, you need piece of mind above all else and on the slim chance that there might be something more seriously going on then it needs to be dealt with Xx Jo 

Hi Jo, thanks for reading and replying :slight_smile:

I will definitely still go to the appointment just for piece of mind as you said. I’m just worrying because of the size and shape of it really.
Sometimes I can feel the jagged edges of it, sometimes I can’t feel the edges of it and it feels like a thick mass. Im wondering whether that’s that case because of the amount of water I’ve drank throughout the day? We shall see anyway… It’s all just anxiety and guesswork until the appointment lol
I’m finding this forum very helpful, like the more info and accounts I read of it the better I feel prepared whatever the outcome :slight_smile: xxx