Hiiii, im 25 years old and was diagnosed with DCIS last september following an operation to remove some tissue, i have had a lymph node biopsy and is awaiting results on friday…nervous. I have got to have a masectomy soon, still waiting for my appointment, I have spoken to my plastic surgeon, who have told me more in depth of what I will be having done, but i am so very worried, i dont know any one around my age who has experienced this, i feel horribe, worthless, very emotional, i have a very supportive partner which does help, i havnt really spoke to any one who has been in them same boat as me i just could really do with some conversation of people who have been through it too…xx
Im a little bit older than you, Im 31, or as I ofter say ‘Im twentyone ten’ I hope I can be of some help. I too have had a MX due to DCIS. I was DX mid November and had MX with a SNB on the 15th December. Im still recovering from the operation and coming to terms with only having one breast. But talking on here to others and sharing my feelings has really helped me.
Take Care
Jo xxx
Im 32 now but was only 27 when i found the lump. I had a lumpectomy at the time and then chemo and rad and I am now facing reconstructive surgery in march as i am a br 1 gene carrier. I remember feeling how you are about being so young and not knowing anyone who has been through it at such a young age.
Have you dicussed reconstruction now or in the future? Please know you are not alone and I am very pleased you have a supportive partner.Take care and feel free to contact me anytime. I live nr Brighton.
Hannah xx
Hi, I am a lot older than you at 42 but wanted to send you lots of best wishes. Use this forum to ask as many questions as you need. Tragically there are lots of young women on here, you will not be short of support and friends.
i know how you feel i started looking for forum for support as it was recomended i went to a local support group but was then told that the youngest person there was 62, i am 27, supprisingly enough i didnt go.
i was diagnosed last week and it is my first post on here. luckily i am only facing a lumpectomy not a masectomy but it is hard because i am completly on my own, well sort of, i live with a friend of mine, who is more like a dad, but i have decided not to tell him. the only person who knows is my boss, who has been amazing. i have been put on tamofexin (sorry about the spelling) now as i am refusing to have the op till after the end of term as i am a lecturer.
feel free to send me a message if you need to talk and take heart in the fact that there seems to be lots of younger people on here. im sure there is a special young persons chat at some point too - i read it somewhere.
take care xx
Hi eowens10
Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.
I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things and getting to grips with your treatment plans, etc.
I’ve given here the link to our Resource Pack for those people newly diagnosed. The pack is essential for anyone with a primary diagnosis of breast cancer. Filled with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available.
breastcancercare.org.uk/heal … tionId/82/
Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator