26 and not quite sure what to expect

I have posted this on behalf of new user Charlotte.

Regards Sam (BCC Facilitator)

I found a lump on my breast 2 weeks ago and made an appointment with my local GP she’s referred me to the Breast Clinic, my appointment is on the 10th December and I just dont know what to expect!

My lump is near my cleavage but I also have a mole there too, I dont know if the lump has got anything to do with my mole, its hard and I really dont have a clue if it could be bc or what! all of the information I’m reading hasnt helped me at all I’m still in the dark about it. Please can someone shed some light on this for me, the waiting is driving me mad! I just need to know!


Hi Charlotte
Really sorry to hear about your lump. The mind can make you think some awful thoughts and often the worst. A lot of lumps are not cancer but i know that doesn’t really help you much. the waiting for the appointment is also very hard - I remember it all too well. At least you are being seen pretty quickly. When you go to the breast clinic you’ll probably be seen by a doctor who will examine you and then decide whether you should have a mammogram or ultrasound scan. These help the doctors to see what is there (if anything). You will then go back to the doctor for the results. If you have an ultrasound scan, they may decide to do a biopsy which is often done using local anaesthetic so it doesn’t hurt. You may bruise a little after and be a little sore but it’s really ok. Anyway I hope things turn out to be ok - like i said above, most lumps do turn out not to be cancer.
Best wishes
Ruby xx

Hi Charlotte and welcome to the BCC forums,

You might find it helpful to read the BCC booklet about being referred to a breast clinic. It can be found by following the link below:-


Please do call the helpline if you feel it would help to talk your concerns through with someone in confidence, the line is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes

Posted on behalf of Charlotte

Thanks Ruby

I’m trying not to think of the worse cause at such a young age its highly likely not to be BC, im just not finding that much information on this site about young people with lumps where they are or how they feel if moles can cause BC or if moles have fluid around the area that feel like syst? I’m full of questions but so little anwsers, the more information I get the better…What was the situation with you? are you roundabout the same age as me? do you know anyone that has got the same questions as me?



Best of luck. My lump in under My nipple and I also have quite a big mole on that Breast. I am awaiting a appointment to go to the Breast Clinic.

Best of luck.


And by the way I am 17 :slight_smile: xx

Posted on behalf of Charlotte

Is your lump right next to your mole? mine is so I dont know if its fuild or veins or what? I’ve got my appointment on the 10th
