27 yrs old, waiting for biopsy results

About 8 weeks ago I noticed a lump, I swear it had to have appeared somehow overnight. Its relatively small, similar to a dry pinto bean. I’m a 32B but my breast have always swollen to double that size during my cycle.

My PCP did a physical exam and ordered an ultrasound, she said I’m too young to get exposed to the radiation of a mammogram. I had the ultrasound on 1/29. The radiology assist examined me for about 5 mins and then told me she would be back shortly with the Doctor. She came back a few minutes later, alone, and told me to lay back down so she could scan my lymph nodes. This is when I started to worry…

The results of my Ultrasound-
the left breast demonstrates a hypoechoic antiparallel irregular mass with indistinct margins. No bloodflow is identified however. No suspicious lymphadenopathy is seen. BIRADS 4.

I had my core needle biopsy just this morning. I tried to get the doctor to tell me my odds but he was flighty. He said something about how it could still be a cyst? Once he left the room the radiology assist said it is likely not a cyst. I should have my results on Friday, which is my birthday actually. I know I have great odds of it being benign, but I’m scared.


I understand how difficult this must be for you, sending you strength and positive healing vibes. Stay strong! Hugs


Everybody is scared with biopsies. They suck. However, as you stated, most biopsies come out benign. But I’ll say what I wish I had been told when I was in your situation. If by some odd chance you join us, know that breast cancer is one of the most if not the most treatable cancers out there. The vast majority of people go through whatever treatment is deemed appropriate and never have to hear the word breast cancer again in reference to themselves for their long, long life. No matter what, you do have this. But I sincerely wish you the best and that this is simply a short lived scare.


:two_women_holding_hands::heart:we’re all here, breast cancer now and everyone here has got you whatever your results are, you are not alone :two_women_holding_hands::heart: please try and remember till a professional tells you, you have breast cancer, you do not have breast cancer :heart:do reach out as much or as little as you need us while you wait for your results :two_women_holding_hands:we got you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


I hope your results came back ok :heart:


Hi everyone! thank you so much for your kind words. My doctor has yet to actually call me but I did get my results back via the patient portal. They are pretty sure its a Myofibroblastoma, which is a very rare BENIGN tumor that mimics cancer. It seems to be so rare that the only google results are from actual medical journals, nothing translated to laymens terms. It sounds like I will still need a Lumpectomy so they can confirm the benign diagnosis since the pathology and imaging of these is so similar to malignant type tumors. This is not the best result since theres still a bit more to be done but its still so much better than it could have been. I am relieved to say the least.


So happy to read this!! May the lumpectomy be easy and you go on never to have issues again :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the update :heart::two_women_holding_hands: do please keep us posted we’re here, we care, sending positive :two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx