29 with grade 2breast cancer

Hi Chantelle,

Sorry that you’ve joined the club that none of us wanted to be members of. I don’t post on here very often but you’ll find a huge amount of support from ladies who truly understand.

The waiting is horrendous. I felt like I didn’t eat, sleep or function properly while waiting for results. A mindfulness walk sounds perfect.

I was originally diagnosed back in March with a grade 3, 15mm tumour, they then found others during an MRI.
I had to wait until May for surgery, where I had a bilateral mammoplasty, and it turns out that the largest tumour had then grown to 70mm, plus had then spread to my lymph nodes.
I then had an axillary node clearance, where it was found in one more lymph node.
I’m currently undergoing chemo, which will be followed by radiotherapy and hormone manipulation.
I know the waiting for full results seems torture, it truly does, but they need to get the full picture to plan the best treatment for you. Take care xx


Hi Tracey Thankyou for responding sorry you’re part of the club too the waiting really is traumatic how did you find surgery I’m absolutely petrified x

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:heart: get some front button short sleeve pyjamas, dressing gown, pair of slides, lip balm and had cream (hospital can dry your skin out) get some anosol bum cream the meds and anaesthetic can block your bum up post op. Get some zip front cardi’s or hoodies easier to get on post op, ask if you’ll be having a drain fitted post op too :heart: not all surgeons use them so worth asking these can help prevent seromas. I had a M&S zip front racer back bra which I wore post op I went up a size to allow for post op swelling as I had a therapeutic mammo plastic :heart: you might have to have a blue dye injection before your op again ask about it, but it’s your choice how much or how little you want to know from your surgeon :heart: do what’s right for you :heart: post op, let your body knit back together :heart: you will be amazed how quickly your body repairs itself :heart: do your post op exercises, I got sticky dots and put them up the door frame so I could track my progress each day with post op exercises :heart: be kind to yourself and take it a day at a time :two_women_holding_hands::heart:we’ve got you :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thankyou for all this advice it’s really helpful and appreciated! Well I found an excuse to treat myself to new bits and bobs and have done just that , how long was your hospital stay x

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Hi Chantelle, I was in 1 night. Depending which operation you have it’s your consultants call :heart: remember this whole thing isn’t a one size fits all your treatments are tailored specifically for you so don’t read into what someone else is having treatment wise :heart: you just try and get through and do it your way :heart: there are no right or wrongs you be kind to yourself because your strong er than you think you are :heart::two_women_holding_hands:we’ve got you :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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That’s good only 1 night ,Thanks Shi I appreciate that I think I’m trying to get so many different circumstances so I can hope for the best but prepare for the worst I’ve got a lot to fight for and I will beat this one way or another! I meet with the consultants next week so should had an idea of what will happen next then it’s still such another agonising wait :pensive:

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It is all consuming and think most of us googled like crazy at the start :heart: when you have your treatment plan you will find you settle into a routine, do think about joining other threads when you know your treatment plan :two_women_holding_hands: you’ll all get each other through :heart: don’t let it take your joy it’ll try but don’t let it, your still amazing you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hi ladies a little update that’s left me still very confused so the breast consultant informed me I have a 9cm tumour with calcifications and they want to give me chemo before surgery but after i have a CT scan that I feel she said could be weeks away I’m just so eager to get things rolling with 3 young kids at home who still don’t know , I will see my results tomorrow as this info was given to me over the phone and have a few questions that need answering, I also found my maggies centre which was refreshing and I will be going there when possible!


Hi Chantelle!!

I’ve just been reading your posts, sorry you’re here BUT it’s such a good place to be if you’re anxious and worried because everyone is so nice and helpful…… it’s really helped me these past few weeks.

I’m 38 and diagnosed with a 7cm tumor in my left breast and a lymph node too in October!! it’s been such a whirlwind since then, I was just going to appointment after appointment in a state of shock. The waiting is the worst ever, but once you get more info and a plan then it does give some kind of relief. I’m having chemo first, then surgery. I started my first chemo on Nov 7th!! my next one is Nov 29th. I’m having chemo every 3 weeks, and will take me up to about April time…… so a far few months. The hardest part so far is being off work, I’m getting so so bored (obviously you have children, so bored won’t be an option for you) but so far so good with chemo, no real big side effects!!

Message me anytime if you want any support or just someone to talk to!!

Big love to you!! Xxxxx


Oh and they scheduled a CT scan and bone scan for me to check for spreading…… but they both came back clear🙏🏻 so I hope they do yours asap!! so you can at least get some answers and put your mind at rest.



Thankyou for replying stevie it’s honestly the worst it’s so sad that we have to wait so long for answers but atleast they’re being checked over and over to make sure! I’ve taken 2 weeks off just because I work in occy health and my job is dealing with sensitive subjects such as my own now so I know I won’t make it through a call without crying (so unprofessional :sweat_smile::upside_down_face:)

I’m glad your ct came back clear did you have any other symptoms etc before or after diagnosis I’m trying to hope for the best but prepare for the worst as I feel iv got symptoms I over looked or the docs ignored for so long that it’s worse than predicted x

Also did they explain why chemo before surgery and what type of surgery you may have.


Umm, definitely a mastectomy I think?! I’m scared of the thought of surgery, but apparently it’s easier than chemo. It’s chemo before surgery to just reduce the size of the tumor and also it just seems like a lot have that now, even the woman sitting next to me at chemo. I had no other symptoms other than my breast went painful and quite inflamed…. They thought mastitis or cyst at first. I am hoping it calms down soon with chemo, she said it will. No other symptoms, I am fit, healthy, sleep well, exercise, I was working full time in a shop. I miss my work loads but I can’t be there due to being with the public and germs etc, so just taking time off while on chemo!! It’s for the best.

So have you had any sort of plan explained yet? when chemo will start or what will happen first?? when have they scheduled your ct scan for again??

It’s so hard not to panic or spiral with your thoughts, I’ve done so much googling (which isn’t good) but now I tend just to come on here…… the beginning was the hardest for sure, all the appointments and the not knowing. Starting chemo was scary but once one was done, I know what to expect now……. I’m sure it will get harder but it’s not the unknown anymore and I can mentally prepare better.

I’m always here. I want to help in anyway I can. Xxxxxxx


I see it’s a lot of rather the surgery first then the chemo because I’m petrified of surgery! It’s so crazy to not have any symptoms and then get the bad news, I was breastfeeding and put it down to a filled milk duct left it a few months after I stopped at it was still there so I went to gp who said she wasn’t concerned but would send me to breast clinic for reassurance then they checked me over and offered me a biopsy if I wanted to so thank god I accepted or I wouldn’t of caught it smh , because of my age iv had genetic testing done they said my glands around the tumour looked normal but I don’t know if she meant the nodes or glands so confused there I get my results tomorrow so I imagine they will explain best course for treatment , bless you I work from home but the type of work is very sensitive so I’m hoping when I return I won’t be taking calls and just dealing with emails x


Hi Chantelle

Sorry you are going through all this, it causes so much stress and anxiety. I always thought of myself as level headed until this.

My consultant said chemo before surgery was most likely, if you have HER2 positive and/or the size. The chemo should shrink the tumor, making it easier to remove. I’m sure there are other factors, but that’s how he summarised it for me.

My tumor result came back HER2 neg and went straight for lumpectomy. Since found out i just need Rads and hormone therapy.

The methods they use are so much better and fine tuned. And of course they can target treatment so it is more effective.

Your team will look after you every step of the way and as you can see, lots of support on here.

Best wishes x


Ah right I’m still a bit confused just as the consultant kind of insinuated that I would be having a mastectomy so if that is the case I will be advocating for a double so shrinking the tumour wouldn’t be of use if they remove anyway it’s all just so mind blowing, what was your diagnosis. X

Oh that’s good, so does that mean you can carry on working throughout - or when you feel up to it??? I wish I could because this boredom is the worst right now and it’s only been 2 weeks since my first infusion. The lady next to me at my chemo was working from home too…… probably helps a lot to have something to put your mind to etc.

Oh I hope you get your results asap then, it will helps loads with your mental health, you need to know what the plan of action is!!! is yours HER2? mine is!! hormone positive, so feeding on my hormones!? still don’t really understand but I’m trying to learn, to be honest I want to know stuff but then I don’t, I just want to get on with it and focus on getting better :mending_heart: the less I know the better in a weird way?!


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Iv only been back at work 2 months from maternity leave so was just gettin into the swing of things then this came out the blue smh I may try to work I just have to see how I feel , I have no idea what it is until tomorrow but part of me is saying it’s feedin off hormones because I had my son last year and hormones still all over the place I noticed aswell my period came back after 2 months when I was breastfeeding which I found bizarre so now I’m questioning if that may be a reason

Bless you, you will have to pick up a new hobby with all the free time if you have energy for it! Or a new series wouldn’t go a miss! X

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