morning ladies
ive just had my 2nd FEC,and on both times ive ended up with a gum infection, and oral thrush. Ending up on anti biotics and fungal tablets, mouth wash.
Does anyone have any advice on how to reduce the risk?Or how to cope with it? or is it just my bodys way of having a ‘diva moment’
i had thrush every time too…both ends!
Used corsydl mouthwash every day and that helped a lot and bought canesten!
Not sure how to stop it happening tho!!
Hope you find a way as very irritating
Hi Eva,
I only had TAX 2 yesterday so I don’t know what will happen this time!! Last time around I was ok until I started the antibiotics, on day 4 of taking them the oral thrush started but I didn’t realise what it was. Tried the chemist on day 6 when it was getting really painful and he gave me a thrush treatment which did not work at all. Ended up at the docs next day in so much pain I couldn’t stop crying!! She gave me NYSTAN (think thats right) which I had to use 4 times a day orally. Still took 3 days to kick in and I really had had enough by then. This time my onc has given me difflam mouthwash which is apparently better than corsodyl and Nystan so I can use it straight away. I found this the worst part of the TAX as I did not get too many aches and pains but did also get red peely hands which are still shedding lots of skin so hope when this finishes I shall have nice youthful hans again!!
Hope this may help.
Take care,
Love Janexx
You might find that pineapple helps; it contains an enzyme that can help to counteract thrush. If its really bad, your Doctor can prescribe you Fluconazole capsules, as long as they aren’t contraindicated with your other treatment. Your BCN may be able to help you with this.
Take care
Julia xx
thanks for your help ladies. will really up the pineapple i eat/drink
evie - sorry you have thrush too
jc - thanks will ask about the difflam
julie - thanks will ring my bcn .
Can’t comment on thrush as I have never had it, but for a sore mouth/ulcers, try Squigle toothpaste. Since using that and Difflam, I’ve had no mouth ulcers and my gums (which bled a little before chemo) have stopped bleeding completely.
I got it from
thanks, will have to get some. which exactly one do you use?? there seems to be a bit of a list.
I use the Squigle Enamel Saver, but I think the Toothbuilder looks good too - better if you have sensitive teeth. Having said that, I was using Sensodyne before and haven’t had any sensitive tooth problems since switching to Squigle.
I do hope it helps you xxx
thanks, for explaining which tooth past you use, flora.
went to the weekend dr yesterday, mouth pain was horrible! have got anti biotics (erythromycin) , fluconazole, difflam, corsadyl, orabase cream. feeling a bit better today, thank goodness!
been drinking lot of pineapple juice, and pineapple ice.