Posted on behalf of new user Debi
Last October I went to my dr after having found a lump and was refered to the breast clinic. I had an ultrasound and was told “it didn’t look like cancer” but advised to have a biopsy to be on the safe side. Biopsy came back fine and was told to come for a follow up 6 months later. Went for my follow up yesterday, saw a different dr who after an examination of the lump seemed concerned and said she thought it needed further investigation (again?). So am waiting for appointment for another ultrasound and possible biopsy depending on the ultrasound results. I don’t understand why it needs further investigation if a biopsy came back ok, can these benign lumps change to cancer? Don’t get me wrong i am gratefull that they want to be sure but i’ve had 6 months of not worrying about it to having the fear of god put in me again. My sister was diagnosed with BC at age 37 (the age that i am now) so i do have family history all be it small. Has anybody else had to have a 2nd investigation on a lump?