Well Ive just had my 2nd wle in 12 months for DCIS and calicifications.Last Feb DCIS was found in left breast all cells removed no futher treatment Phew!!! relief.
This Feb calicifications found in right breast.The consultant I saw said a surgical biopsy would be required due to the calcs being deep (I also have breast implants).She said that they would only do a biopsy not remove the cells as they wouldn’t want to disfigure me unnecessarily.
I saw the same consultant as last year on my pre-op appointment and he said they would just go in and take away the calcs. i had the op last thursday and they said they have managed to get a clear area.However the wound is just at side of my nipple and although its only early days looks to be quite drastic and there is quite a large indentation I cant yet see how long the cut was as it is still covered with tape. i have to go back for the results on the 12th march.
I thought I will deal with this by believing that everything would be the same as last year, having now seen the area I am worried that he knows or thinks it could be something more otherwise why has he performed what seems to me to drastic surgery.
Like everyone else I won’t know until the results day and the waiting well we all know about that.
Sue xxx
Hi Sue
Its really weird you know, when I read your last post you could have been talking about me.
I had calcs last year removed in Feb, I have implants. even down to what happened to you and your other half. How weird is that??? The only difference is my mammo this year was clear but am being investigated for nipple discharge.
My op last year did leave quite a large dent but its not too bad now. Just one side of my bra fits better than the other, it doesnt notice with clothing on.
I didnt have any further treatment, maybe your results were the same as before and he is just being careful, nipping in the bud, maybe.
Make a list of things you want to ask him when you go back.
Yvonne xxx
Hi Yvonne
Well would you ever think that you would find someone with so many similarities to yourself. Thanks for the re-assurance of the dent left. I know it seems petty when the reason for the disfigurement has probably saved your life but at the moment I don’t know what has been removed.
Keep me informed of your current tests for nipple discharge.
Just wanted to say that I don’t know about you but I was concerned that they would treat me differently,and that they would think that I caused this,you know messing with nature and all that,but I found them to be very understanding and they said that the implants wouldn’t have caused this problem.
Look after yourself
Sue xx
Hi Sue
Im still waiting for my results if I dont get them by Wednesday I will give them a ring. No its not petty at all this is your body and if you are like me you do everything to make it look good. (Even at 50 lol).
I was a bit concerned about the implants too, I think that so many women have them now that they see quite a few. Hows it going with your other half now. We decided to give it another go, its really hard isnt it?
Speak to you soon
Yvonne xxx
Hi Yvonne
Yes I’m 51 and do my best to try to look good you know the ususal ££££s on wrinkle creams ££££s on facials.
As for my hubbie things seem to ok at the moment (its hard because she is his secretary and they still work together and he told me he didn’t love me but was in love with her) he is being very supportive as i said in my other post I can see the difference between now and last year,When I found out about him the stress and upset caused me to lose weight and I am managing to keep most of it off and I started going to the beauty parlour to spend his money before he left me but i have kept it going and will do, I think every woman going through what we are should treat and pamper herself.
After this then I think a few fillers to iron a few saggy bits,Why not eh !!!
Make sure you pester if they don’t phone.
How are you with your relationship? is he supporting you ?
But I’ll tell you one thing, all this stress, worry and upset makes you a stronger person.
Talking of the weird and wonderful my best friend is called Yvonne.
Keep me posted.
I’ll be thinking of you this week.
Sue xxxx
Hi Sue
She would be sooooo sacked!!! And another funny thing the other woman in our case was called Sue (I wont hold it against you though).
We are ok, I think, the trust is definately dodgy but we are getting there. He tends to keep things to himself until we get the results so we dont really talk about it. Thats ok though I just come on here. He is there though if I need him I know that much.
Oh by the way, getting back to the subject in hand, when they were doing my core biopsies (6 of them) they came back inconclusive. It is hard when they are deep (which mine were) because of the implants. Maybe that is why they just decided to take yours out without biopsy (just a thought).
Yvonne xxx