About 2 weeks I pulled a muscle in the right hand side of my body affecting my upper back, neck, upper chest, right breast and right upper arm. Quite sore but not continual.
Then last week as my breast was sore I felt it and thought I could feel it harder / thicker at one point than the rest of breast and than the other breast. Not a lump as in it is not round or all that hard. More like a strip of the breast about 1.5 inches going across the breast about 2 inches above the nipple. I can only feel it standing up but not lying down and when I press on it I can feel it on my back too. I have no other issues with the breast.
It was the wrong time in my cycle for feeling lumps as this was about 2 days before my period started.
Went to the GP on Wed last to renew my Pill prescription and told him about it. He examined my shoulder and collar bone and arm area while I was standing and said that I had pulled my pectoral muscle. Then he did a Clinical Breast Exam but only while I was lying down and could find nothing at all. I felt v reassured after this. But over the weekend I can still feel the hardness / thickness there while in the shower and it was only then that I realised that I can only feel it when standing and not while lying down so I did not tell the GP this.
I am 35, have 2 kids, only breastfed the first for a couple of days and the second not at all. Have no Family History of Breast Cancer.
I am worried that the GP did not feel what I feel as he did the exam when I was lying down. Would he be able to feel anything suspicious when I am lying down ? Should I get a 2nd opinion ?? I have a v good v thorough GP who I am v happy with. Should I ask him to refer me to the Breast Clinic or should I just accept that he knows what he is doing ?
All advise welcome.