2nd Opinion

I’ve recently been diagnosed with SBC-onc said it’s a local spread from my recurrent bc, not distant and it’s one small bone met in my sternum-a small dot my consultant said. I’m now not having the planned mastectomy and have just had my first cycle of Carboplatin. I was told I might possibly be able to have the mastectomy if everything is stable in the future as I am in some pain and discomfort with the bc, but the chemo should help to sort it and no to op on sternum or radiotherapy. I’m thinking of seeing if I can have a 2nd opinion at The Royal Marsden to check that chemo is the only treatment. I wondered if anyone else has sought another opinion and if they found it worthwhile. Thank you x

Hi Jencat, my hospital is the Royal Marsden and I would ask for a second opinion with them in your shoes. There might easily be other treatment options which are more targeted as you have such a low tumour burden. They have a website which details how to request one. I believe that everyone is entitled to one but others may have more information. I can only recommend them highly. Good luck in your treatment xx