2nd Surgery

Morning Ladies,

I had a WLC with Lymph samples on 9th April. I got my results on Monday of this week.
Unfortunately I have been told I now need a Mastectomy (right breast) and Lymph clearance? because one gland is showing “affected” althought the other is clear.

Is that a good sign?

I am scheduled for my surgery on 7th May but have to go in on 5th May to be taken off Warfarin and put on Heparin, as I have Dilate Cardiomyopathy.
The Nurse we spoke with did say that I should keep Chemo at the back of my mind…is it standard proceedure following this sort of surgery? Does everyone who has this have Chemo?

I’m reeling a bit from all of this, I’m still getting over the first surgery and sometimes feel quite weak.

Any advice gratefully received!

Sue xx

Hi Sue

Sorry you have had the news you didnt want to hear. I would imagine that the nurse mentioned chemo because it is a possibility depending on what they find regarding the lymph nodes. I guess if they find they are positive to cancer, then it is likely you will get chemo to ensure any tiny bits of cancer are killed off. Chemo seems fairly standard for most women with positive nodes, but if I was you, I would contact your BC nurse again and make sure you know exactly what they are intending to do and why she mentioned chemo. The worst place you are now is second guessing what they might do and why they are doing it. Once you are clear, you will recover better. Speak to her and make sure you get the answers you need. If you cant get hold of her, the nurses on the helpline are good, but she will have your specific pathology report in front of her. I have spoken to mine on several occasions regarding what I thought was trivial but it bothered the hell out of me not knowing for sure. Giving information is a big part of these nurses’ job so dont feel that you are bothering them.

Good luck


Hi Sue,

As Cathy says I would contact your BC nurse and talk things through with her, you’ve had a shock and still being weak from the first op it will have been difficult to take in everything they said. My partner was with me when I got my first set of results and apparently surgeon said they were going to inject dye into the lymph nodes to check them and I can remember nothing of this and won’t know until my post op results on 29th if they actually did this!
Sending you hugs

Luv Carol x

Hi Sue

So sorry you have not received the news you hoped for. Been there myself so now how it feels. Due for my node clearance on 12/5. I do not know about all areas but from talking to others in this area it seems standard to do SNB on nearly everyone and even if only one node is affected to then clear the rest. Also everyone I have spoke to here with affected nodes no matter how many then gets some sort of chemo.

Hope this helps - I know none of us wants chemo. You may like to ask how much it improves your chances if you are brave enough.

Good luck with treatment and op.
Starfish x

Hi Sue

Like the others I am sorry to hear that you did not get the news you wanted and are facing a 2nd surgery. I was told by my consultant at the dx stage (at this point they did not know grade/stage/node involvement or not info) that the treatment plan after surgery would most likely be chemo then rads then (if necessary) tam and/or herceptin as required.

I was lucky to have no lymph node involvement but chemo was still considered due to a stray intermammory node being affected. In the end they decided against chemo and went with 29 rads (inc 4 boosts). I think my consultant and then the onc give me the ‘possibly’ scenario in order that I had time to get my head round the idea of chemo.

It would certainly be worth phoning your BCN and asking the question - at the start there is so much information chucked at you it’s difficult to remember all the details.

Hi Sue, I had mastectomy and SNB Dec 5th then was told on 21st that one node was cancerous so had axillary clearance on Jan 18th. I was gutted at having to have another op but it took me half the time to recover from it, I would say 3 weeks and I was feeling pretty well. The only thing I would say is keep doing the arm exercises. My arm is great now, helped by physio, it was very weak after the first op though!

I am 41 and am having chemo at the mo. It seems to be pretty standard for us ladies under 60 with lymph node involvement. I tried not to think too far ahead to chemo, when I was facing surgery, just take one thing at a time. The more rested you are for 7th May the better. I’m half way through chemo though and doing well.

Good luck, Liz x

hi there,
sorry to hear you need second op. it does come as a bit of a shock.
i had a lumpectomy first with all my lymph glands removed. first op 10th march, second 31st march. like one of the girls said, try not to think too far ahead. youve got a few days of freedom till then (only joking)
i was a little nervous of second op, just because im a little that way. but i asked for a pre-med and it really helped. i thought i would have been repulsed looking at myself, but i just seemed to accept, that this was what needed to be done. and having a mastectomy wasnt painful afterwards, like i expected.
start my chemo in two weeks, , but even though im nervous, feel ready to zap this. god bless take care of yourself, youll be fine, x

Hi Sue,

know how you feel. i had lump removed and some lymph nodes 5 in total and 4 affected. i have to get second op. i’m angry and upset and totally p’d off at having to go through surgery again especially as i’ve just got over the first.
i’m waiting for a call from my bc nurse to give me the results of my bone and liver scan. if thats ok then i’ll be back in surgery on the 9th May.

someone told me that it was rare to have to get a second op (if that was true) so i guess that we are all unique.

take care all

Ann x

Dear All

i dont think it is rare to have second op. I had WLE and sentinel biopsy on 2nd Nov and two weeks later was back in for clearance as there was a problem. unfortunately I dont know how many nodes were effected because I literally switched off from the point the surgeon said we have good and bad news. I have noticed that some people are querying whether to have chemo or not. My own decision was I was taking what ever they threw at me, cos I didnt want die young.

I have bad and good days now, but when the sun is shining i feel ok.

Take care all of you

Hi Anne

Sounds like i’m going through what you have went through. I too have good and bad days, yesterday was good because i got the results from my bone and liver scan and their clear. I go back for second op on the 9th May to get all lymp glands removed. Like you, i have told them to throw whatever treatment at me. I’m only 39 and i want to see my kids grow up.

Take Care

Thank you all for your advice.

It is a comfort to know I’m not alone, I’m of the same view as you all, I’ll take what ever they throw at me to keep me safe.

Hey, I’m only 51 and I want to enjoy a long and happy life!

We are taking steps to easy the financial burden at the moment…the house is up for sale and we want to down size to a cheaper Bungalow so we can clear our debts and pay off a chunk of the mortgage.

Thank you Ladies!

Sue x

Hi Sue,

I’m 51 too, what area are you from? Sorry you having a tough time financially, you have enough to cope with! I know what it’s like, got made redundant last September after 17 years with the company and decided to do a home study course to try and get a qualification that enables me to work from home - I am main carer for my elderly mother and also have two dogs that I don’t want to leave all day. My job was quite stressful and extremely busy, makes me wonder what I would have done if I hadn’t lost it - have really not felt like studying never mind working.
Get my results on Tuesday next week.

Keep smiling, I am sure you will achieve your wish for a long and happy life.

Luv Carol x

Hi Sue I am like you I go into hospital on wednesday 30thApril for the second round of surgery. I had a lumpectomy three weeks ago, they have found more cancer from scrapings that my surgeon took from underneath the lump and cancer in one of the lymph nodes.Iam having all the lymph nodes removed and some more tissue in my breast taken out. Chemo has been mentioned and I think this scares me more than anything, but like everyone I will take what they throw at me.Our daughter is getting married next year and I will be better for the big day of this i am certain. Keep yourchin up and the same goes to everyone out there going through this distressing disease, god bless from Denise in Barnsley

Hi Carol,

We are in Hayle, Cornwall, my job is not too stressful and I’m lucky that I get 4 months full and four months half pay.

Hope you get good results on Tuesday…I go for my admission pre-assesment on Monday…feel like I’m in limbo, but trying very hard to focus on good things.


I hope things go well for you on Wednesday…you will be well for your daughters wedding…you take care too.

Sue xx

Hi Sue,

What a lovely place to live, lots of lovely walks on the beach (weather permitting of course!). I am pleased you are trying to remain positive.

Good luck with your assessment tomorrow, hope your dilate cardiomyopathy doesn’t pose too much of a problem and you receive some reassurance regarding your results.

Luv Carol x

Hi Carol,

I’m finding a strength from somewhere…I have great support from spouse, family and my girl friends.

Last Friday my sister called round at the same time as our Dad…coincidence?? We managed to talk about our Mum who had BC in 1972 and as my sister is 8 years older than me she was more aware, it came to light that Mum never got used to her Mastectomy scar and always covered it even in the bath because she couldn’t bear to look at it.

I realised that I hadn’t show my hubby my WLE scar yet so I asked him if he was ready to see it …do you know what? he just kissed my shoulder and said “it’s not that bad is it”…now I know he will cope when I have my Mastectomy.

Cornwall is great I’ve been here over 25 years and would not change it for anything!

My DCM is quite stable so I think I’ll be ok , the Consultant is happy with how things went under GA last time.

Let me know how you get on with your results won’t you?

Tale care

Sue xx

Hi Sue,

Ahhh, that’s lovely, your husband sounds like a nice man. I’m pleased you have good family support and am keeping everything crossed for you, I am sure this operation will do the trick and you will be able to get on with your life.

Got my results today - all clear!!! Phew, what a relief, they are just going to keep an eye on me now with yearly mammograms - I have so much to thank that surgeon for.

I will still keep looking on here though and seeing how you are getting on.

Sending loads of hugs and good wishes

Luv Carol x

That’s great news Carol, you must be so relieved!

Take care

Sue x

sorry i just need a moan -

i get my second surgery next friday and i don’t want to go, i can’t face it. i feel really quite low just now. can’t stop crying. i’m also crabbit and i don’t know why.
after my first surgery i was kept in over night and put in a ward with geriatrics.
1st. kept cry and talking loudly to herself.
2nd. wanted me to help her get her incontinance pad off
3rd. kept puking.( so i wouldn’t go into the loo)
just aswell the 3rd one came in early hours.

my OH came for me at 9am and helped me out of bed and get dressed. i got out, came home and went to the loo, that was a relief.
then my OH had to shower me cause i couldn’t do it on my own.
for the second surgery i’ve been told i might be in for upto 5 days.
i wonder how much it costs for a single room.
i’ve known people in the past who work in the hospital and are given a single room only because they are staff.

thanks for the shoulder.

Ann x

Hello Ann,

Think I met you in the DDI. Im also having a bad day. Starting to feel a bit better now after several virtual large glasses of wine. I had 2 surgeries, second one almost 12 months ago to the day, first of all a mastectomy and then ANC. I had a private room both times, just ask them now if you can have one, not everybody wants them believe it or not! Hope you start feeling better soon xxx