Hi, Just had the news that,not only has the cancer returned,I also have nodules covering the surface of the breast. 2002 diagnosed with stage 2 ductal, and a stage 1 lobular,cancer. Had a quadrantectomy, chemo and radio therapies. Thought everything was perfect. 13 years down the line I have had the devastating news that
the hormone therapy that I have been taking for the last 9 weeks has not worked and I cannot have surgery because of the nodules . Now have to wait to see an oncologist and hopefully get some sort of resolution.
Has anyone been through similar and have any advise. Emotions all over the place.
Hi swings1
Welcome to the BCC Forum but I’m sorry to hear your cancer has returned and that you have to wait to find out about a treatment plan.
While you are waiting for some replies to your post I’ve attached a link to some information which might be of some help:
You could also contact our Helpline for information and support. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000
Very best wishes
BCC Moderator
Hello. Just wanted to say sorry you hv to face this again. I am not the same but mine made a new primary return after 14 years. I wish you well. Get as much moral support as you can xx h
I am left feeling so angry and sad that I have just started to feel better and a new primary has appeared. Dr says that this means the letrozole isn’t working for me. All those stiff joints and pain for nothing! A double mastectomy to get rid of all of the tissue is looking attractive right now but I don’t know if they’ll do that. I have a CT scan next week and just hope that it is clear. Feeling depressed and tired .
I have never posted on one of these so I hope I am doing this correctly. I’m looking for advice/direction/personal experiences. My 18 year old daughter has a HARD lump above her breast but below the collar bone. The lump is gettin larger and she has had it a couple months. It doesn’t move when touched. It feels about half the size of a golf ball but more egg shape. Cancer runs in her dads side so in very concerned and taking her to the doctor. Opinions?
I’m not a Dr but I think it’s reassuring that over 80% of any lumps are benign so hold that thought. Sooner you have it checked the sooner you can relax hopefully. It is a worry, especially as it’s your daughter. Sending love Lorna x