Hi, I’m 28 (29 thursday - boo), and found a lump in my right boob a couple of moths ago (about the size of a malteser) - thought i’d give it time to disappear before fretting about it, and after it not shifting went to the GP last Monday.
I fully expected to be told to stop wasting her time, but she found it right away and referred me as a non urgent to the breast clinic, I was a bit miffed as she started asking about my menstrual cycle, and I suddenly realised mine has been prtetty messed up for a while now, but I’d been ignoring that - so that started me worrying a little more.
Anyway I’ve spent a couple of weeks obsessing about my right boob, and for some reason started pondering the left one yesterday only to find a new lump there - its MUCH harder than the other one and is about the size of a pea located around an inch above my nipple, completely painless, and a real shock when I found it.
Decided to call the gp back to discuss, and remembered her asking about under my arms which I’d certainly ot paid any attention to - well lo and behold when I check there have a lump under my left arm (softer than the one in my left boob), and it is by far the biggest of the three - I showed it my mum for a second opinion, and she says she could see it before I pointed it out to her (but its not a place I can see myself without contortion!)
I called the GP back who said she’d upgrade the referral to urgent, and she’d ask for them to get me a cancellation if at all possible to save waiting. Much as I am very grateful for this I am also now terrified!
Has anyone had experience of multiple lumps like this? Does anyone know if ot is any more or less likely to be b9 if there are more than one?
Sorry to go on, but I’m limited in who I can talk to, and would really appreciate any words of wisdom from people who know whats going on.
sadly my mum-in-law was diagnosed with BC at new year, and starts radio therapy tomorrow - so I am trying not to look too neurotic, or to freak my husband out too much as he is surrounded by it at the moment!
Thanks for listening, and any words of wisdom would be very greatly appreciated.