3 Times Now !

3 Times Now !

3 Times Now ! I have posted this for new user Sue

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hi everyone, just wanted to get a few things off my chest ! Got told last Wed that I have the cancer back again.

My story is that I was 36 when I first had it back in May 2003, had the lump removed, 2 benign lumps, 3 sentinal nodes and 32 lymph glands (3 positive) with 8 sessions of chemo (AC x 4 and Taxotere x 4) and 30 sessions of radio. Stage 2 grade 3 tumours.

All was going well until June 2005 when after my another PET scan found 2 positive luymph glands in the same armpit (left hand side) positive, so another operation, 6 sessions of chemo (taxol and Carbo Platium) with herceptin too. Then 15 sessions of herceptin until Sept 2006.

I requested a PET/CT scan as I feel this is the only way of knowing if it still there, was not wholly accepted by my Oncologist that I needed one, showed up last week and was confirmed that I have at least 2/3 lymph glands positive in the same place as previous. There is also the possibility of cancer in the bowel, but I think this is to do with my scar tissue from my appendix which was whipped out the same time as the lump back in May 2003.

I guess my beef with all of this is so much for HERCEPTIN being the wonder drug that we all hoped it would be. Thank God for the PET scan it has caught the cancer twice before it had gone off dome where more awful. I know it is not usually give to patient, but I would everytime ask for one. They are a life saver as far as I am concerned. Just has to get it off my chest !

Just read post Hi Sue,
I have just read your post and wondered how you are getting on.
It must have been a terrible shock to receive another diagniosis.
How are you feeling and what stage of treatment are you at?
Can you tell me what PET scan stands for?
Like to keep in touch.

3rd time for me as well! Hi Sue

Sorry you are having to go through this again… it so disheartening when treatments dont seem to work isnt it?

I’ve also just been told that my cancer is back - this is my 3rd time round too… mine is in the supraclavicular lymph nodes… I was diagnosed May 2005, 2nd time June 2006, i’m 33 years old…

I’d also like to know what a PET scan is? I’m going to have a CT scan and bone scan shortly but wondered if these are the most accurate scans to be having…

Herceptin unfortunatley doesnt work for everybody, I’m also on it, my Oncologist is leaving me on it a little longer as its too early to tell if its working for me as ive only had 5 infusions… There is a new drug coming out but its not licensed yet called Lapatinib (tykerb) that is supposed be the new wonder drug like herceptin was couple of years back… Might be worth asking your oncologist about this, some have access to trials…

Take care
