Hi all,
had a l.mast last year, and am due to now have preventative r.mast and double diep recon in 3 weeks time. Getting very nervous, can any of you girls who have been thru this give me any advice on what I can wear after op, pain, or any other top tips? I’m going into the Marsden in London - anybody been there for this, or had Adam Searle for their op?
Lots of you seem to have been brave enough to have this op so would be great to hear from you.
Thnx xx
Hi emjay
Good luck for the op in 3 weeks - I’ve heard good reports about the Marsden.
I had a (single!) diep in March which was fine. It’s a really long op and I spent a couple of days in high care afterwards. I would describe the pain as discomfort rather than excrutiating - and this discomfort lasts a few weeks, though gradually lessens, thankfully.
At first it’s hard to straighten up properly because of the abdominal wound and you’ll probably have a few drains which are very tricky when you have to go to the loo etc.
I’d recommend pyjamas with front opening tops - and it’s hard to wear any knickers when you still have abdominal drains. The hospital should do its best to make sure you have adequate pain relief.
I’m now nearly 7 months down the line and have new nipple and areola - and things are still going well. Bio oil is good for rubbing into the scars and also aqueous cream which isn’t expensive.
Lots of luck and please shout if you’ve got any more questions.
Lizzie x
Hi Lizzie,
thanks for your message, it helps to talk to someone who’s been there. Doctors don’t always tell you the practical stuff! I’ve got bio oil already and some pjs from hospital last year… Do you have to wear support knickers afterwards?
I hope you are feeling good - are you happy with your new boob and tummy? Where did you have your op?
Em x
Hi Em
I wasn’t advised to wear support knickers, but I think this varies from hospital to hospital - and some places favour corsets…but I didn’t wear anything special and things seem to have stuck down reasonably well. For a couple of months after the op, I did have strange sensations in my tummy just above the right end of the abdo wound which felt a bit like an air bubble. But I had this checked out and the surgeon was convinced all was well.
I’m feeling fine now - went back to work in June (I’m knackered now!) and I don’t regret having chosen that particular op for a moment. My new boob is fine - occasionally feels a little hard and boulder-like, but less so as time goes on. Overall I’ve been thrilled with the results and with the care I got and continue to receive - I had the op at Haslar in Hampshire and go back for a check-up in November.
Where are you, Em?
Lizzie x
Thanks Lizzie, good to hear it all went OK.
I’m in Surrey, so not too far from you!
Em x
I’m having my mastectomy in Bath, the RUH.Don’t have a date yet, but i am seeing the reconstruction surgeon,Richard Sutton, on Tuesday, not really sure what to expect from this session and am getting a bit wound up about it all. I am told he is a wonderful surgeon and very caring.Does anyone know him?