31 yrs old breast cancer and tamoxifen

Hi there!

i was diagnosed with oestrogen and progesterone positive breast cancer grade 1 with no lymph involvement. I have had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy and 19 sessions of radiotherapy. The next step is to take tamoxifen but I don’t want to be on this drug and don’t want to delay having kids. Has anyone else refused tamoxifen and how did you support yourself in that decision? 
I am of course scared of a recurrence but that could happen regardless if I take tamoxifen or not. 
I look forward to your replies xx

I am twice your age and too old to have children but nevertheless I know my anti hormone tablets which I have to take for 10 years are keeping my cancer at bay. I would never consider not taking them . Before Tamoxifen more than 50 per cent of women had recurrences and died even if the cancer was found at an early stage. It’s now 99 per cent survival for five years if cancer found early enough - most of that is down to Tamoxifen and Letrozole. You have many years ahead of you but not taking Tamoxifen would make that far less likely. I am sure your team will be able to,reassure you that hormone therapy at your age does not mean never having children.