I HAVE BREAST CANCER!! Hearing the doc say it has hit me like a punch in the face. The don’t have a plan yet because I need a mammogram and MRI. don’t know why I’m so shocked I was expecting it . Think hearing it brings it home a bit. Feeling quite alone right now . Thanks for everyone’s support
Hi Nixons, I was only just looking at another thread you posted on and wondering if you’d had any news, just a few moments ago. Oh, really sorry to hear you are joining the club where nobody wants to be! However, here we are, and luckily in the days of modern medicine and care…with technology like this here forum to help with the process. X
Thanks everyone. It’s been a long day. Had a major wobble this morning when I was home alone. All the emotions came flooding out and I needed that. Had a nap. Went on my driving lesson pretending life was normal. Now feel pants again. Early night tonight I think x
Hi ladies. Hospital called this morning and I was given an appointment today for a mammogram. Also found out the time I’m booked for an MRI next week and then back for the plan Thursday. I keep reading about women who go on to need more biopsies and more waiting and I’m hoping that doesn’t apply to me.
Today I’ve felt some what detached , like this is all happening to someone else. Just wish me t week would come so I could get my head round what’s happening.
hi marsbars,
This stage is always the pits as getting diagnosed is a shock & there is all the anxiety of further investigations until its all clarified. We’ve all been there.
It does get better when you’re through this stage & treatment plan is in place.
do come & chat whenever you want to & join the other threads on here when you feel ready.
ann x
Hey lady,
Not great tbh. Time seems to be dragging and yesterday it hit me I’ve got cancer. Trying to start positive and just wishing the next week would pass so I know what I’m doing.
How are you xx
Feeling very low right now! Today I was told that the cancer was big so I need a mastectomy. Signed all the consent forms so just waiting for a call. They will test my nodes at the same time and remove if needed.
I can’t have an immediate reconstruction so I’ll have a temp put in until all treatment is finished then back for more surgery for the final product.
The doc said I would need chemo and radiotherapy but won’t know more until the boob comes off.
Fate today brought a lady from this forum to the same waiting room sitting next to me! From this I take comfort and also from another friend I have made from here but I can honestly say I have never felt so alone.
Petrified all over again
Oh marsbars, so sorry to hear how you’re feeling at the mo. It is such a shock & do come on here & vent whenever you need to.
Whatever the diagnosis, it will now be dealt with & there are loads of us here who will support you, as no doubt, you may well support others when you’re further down the line.
ann x
Hey marsbars,
It’ll get easier, honestly. I know right now everything feels hideously overwhelming, but deal with things one step at a time. There s so much to take in, at a time when you feel so vulnerable, but remember nowadays things have never been better in terms of bc treatment. You aren’t alone, even if physically you are sat in your home alone, we are real people out here, with you in spirit. We all look at the same moon at night, and we all understand your fear. You can always share on here x
You are most definately not alone when you are connected to this forum ,like Charys says we are real people who have been there or are going through it too and very hard for those that haven’t to understand .
Morning everyone,
So I have a treatment plan. Skin soaring mastectomy with temp reconstruction, chemo and radiotherapy. Once all the treatments done I’ll have a proper reconstruction. Got my letter for my pre op on 18th April.
Still not sunk in to be honest. Feels like it’s happening to someone else
hi Marsbars,
I think we all felt the way you do when at this stage, but at least you know where it’s going now.
do take care
ann x
Hey charys, I’m sleeping probably a bit to much . But when I’m low I always do. Eating is ok at the moment it’s up and down.
I made an appointment with Macmillan for Friday to see what support they have because I guess there’s nothing to lose.
It’s 4 am now and I’m wide awake. Keep dreaming that I’m dead which isn’t great. Yesterday was a very angry day I didn’t like if at all. Let’s hope today is better
Oh 4am is just the worst time ,no
distractions ,just you and your thoughts ,hard not to let your fears run away with themselves.When I was first diagnosed someone told me that when fear really gripped them they kept repeating to themselves "nothing bads going to happen today ,nothing bads going to happen tomorrow " ,I found it did (does) calm me down when I got really freaked out .You feel better once you actually make some progress in getting this treated the waiting during all aspects of treatment is the worst part .