34 and petrified

I went to the docs after finding a bump on the left side. Today I had the breast clinic where I was told I needed a biopsy because the lump looked suspicious. After I had this I was told I’d get an appointment to go back in a week for the results but when the nurse called me back in she started basically telling me it was cancer. They called my fiancé in from the waiting room and moved us to a room with sofas (never a good sign) and introduced me to a specialist nurse , she relayed to him that it looked like cancer. So my appointment is next Thursday. Currently wide awake in bed asking myself a million questions and thinking about my little boy. They say I’ll need an operation but couldn’t say more until my results. I’ll have to have a mammogram and MRI next week to. Has anyone else basically been told it’s bad before their results. My anxiety is through the roof.

hi Ilovemarsbars,
So sorry to hear you are going through this. The anxiety is horrible but you will get a final diagnosis on Thursday. This stage is always the worst.
If bc is confirmed, please be reassured that treatment is very good now, with some of the best outcomes out there. If confirmed, things do feel a lot better when you have a treatment plan, although it doesn’t feel like it, thankfully, whatever it is, will now be dealt with.
There is loads of support here if you are diagnosed, there are others of a similar age going through this, so you will not be alone.
What we advise from our own experience is to avoid any general googling as the info is not relevant to you, is often out of date & only makes anxiety worse. Use this site or macmillan if you need info.
Thinking of you for Thursday & us know how you get on.
ann x

Thanks for replying to my message. Slept three hours last night so not feeling the love today. Glad to know there is support here ? X


i was similar and my anxiety awful…they told me to expect that result…my mind was thinking so much and i was crying etc…the most awful week…i was just focusing on how bad it was and when they told me yesterday i was relieved and can now focus…i have invasive lobular but it is very small and treatable…i also have mri next week then surgery and lymph nodes removal for testing…we are with you and here if you need…x

Thanks I appreciate your comments. I’m glad your results are positive. I’m dreading it but just want to know what I’m dealing with so I can plan a bit and let work and family know.

Most breast cancers are treatable but when your new and someone tells you that you have cancer it doesn’t matter what they say does it!
Good luck tomorrow , please let me know how you get on . Mine don’t come till Thursday so it’s going to be a long old week x

Hello Ilovemarsbars

I hope you don’t mind me posting but I’m in a similar situation to you- I go back Wednesday to get results of the biopsy and I’ve been told also my treatment plan. Been assigned a specialist breast cancer nurse too.Had the mammogram and Ultrasound and like you (last Wednesday)was told from the images that it is cancer. I too am extremely anxious and have 3 children I am so worried about . I change between imagining I have everywhere and I’m going to die soon to thinking that they  have got it wrongs feel ok! Wishing you the very best xx

Such a horrible feeling being in limbo. I’ve seen the statistics and it’s good but the not knowing is terrible. All the best and let me know how you get on xx pm me if you need to x

Hello All, thought I’d join in as I’m in the same boat.  Results of my biopsy are due on Friday morning.  I had to laugh at Ilovemarsbars comment about the room with the sofas (never a good sign).  When I arrived at the clinic I glimpsed the sofa room and thought ‘hope I don’t end up in there’.  But I did!  The radiologist didn’t really commit herself either way, first saying she didn’t like the look of it, then saying it may be a calcified cyst, then that it would probably be best to ‘whip it out’ either way, so I really don’t know whether I’m facing cancer or not.  I’m prone to cysts and have had several drained, but my mum died of breast cancer age 66, so I guess I’ve always been waiting for ‘my turn’ ever since.  Anyhow, I’m trying to keep positive but, as others have said, I swing between wondering if my funeral will be well attended (I decided it won’t :)), to forgetting all about it (for v. short periods).  I’m 48 with 3 kids, 23, 21 and 20 - technically grown up but all stll living at home and often not acting very grown up at all.

Good luck to everyone, I’ll be keeping tuned in.

J x

Sorry I forgot to say ‘Hi’ to Leopete as well ! Its a funny thing, but I was thinking last night about this; In the last 12 months I’ve learnt SO much; indepth knowledge gained about survival, talking to other women and hearing their tales, the ranges of treatments, the positive stories of so many, the ever changing ability of the medics to treat bc individually for women (hardly a week goes by without some article or other in the news about new research, new possible treatments and so on)…and if I had entered my diagnosis knowing what I know now I’m sure I wouldn’t feel quite as bad. The trouble is, at the time of a diagnosis you are facing a frightening world where you have no knowledge, it hits you HARD with no information and all you have in your head are the horror stories and fear that ‘C’ conjours up. These medics are in the business of treating people and making sure they live a long and fulfilling life, thats what this is about, and not a death sentence. Ladies, take heart, as you go along this path you will learn too and feel renewed hope.

Good luck tomorrow. My results are Thursday! It’s been a tough day today. Sending love and positivity your way ?

Thanks very much xx

Sorry phone finished before I could! Hope you manage to get some sleep. It always helps I find but it’s terrible tough the waiting. I’m terrified! You’re nearly there. 2 more sleeps (well maybe laying in bed thinking!) xx

so this morning I emptied my work bag and the letter I got at my appointment last week for my appointment this week came out. I never actually had a look at it before but my appointment it with the breast surgery team! So that’s me screwed then! I def have cancer. Or am I being over dramatic
Help!! ?

It’s alright, Ilovemarsbars, the clinic cannot predict what it is they have to see you first! It’s that anxiety monster talking again.
take care
ann x

Just wanted to check in and say hi. I know you’re getting your results tomorrow Ilovemarsbars. I’ll be thinking of you. Very best of luck xx

Thanks Jane xx

have you had your results Marsbar?

Not yet Millie. My app is at 1630 , currently at work trying to keep busy. Xxx

Thank you lady bowler. Xx