34 from swansea with breast cancer

ive just come out of hospital having the lump removed from my breast and feeling very low looking to chat with people

Sorry this has not been spotted as a new post. I have only just logged on tonight as I have had a church meeting . I hope you are tucked asleep in bed and snoozing. Wishing you all the best for the next few days. Tell us what are the next steps for yourself. We will be happy to answer any questions you have. Speak to you again soon Love Tracy xxx

Hi rieswans I am from swansea just had a mastectomy and 4 lots of chemo can’t have any more I became to ill I’m a bit older than you (51) are you having any more treatment ? What area are you? Hope you are feeling a bit better this evening. Lots of love sue xx

Hiya, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It’s really cr@ppy, this breast cancer isn’t it? :frowning:

There should be quite a few ladies along to chat with you here and I bet you get as much support as you need here. This forum was a lifeline for me when I was diagnosed in 2010, aged 36. I have recently set up a Facebook group for young women (pre screening age) with a breast cancer diagnosis to chat together in private. There are over 200 of us already, and you would be most welcome to join us, but don’t feel obliged to!

There’s a thread on here explaining it which I shall bump up for you, but if you search for Younger Breast Cancer Network (uk) on Facebook, you should find us, and just send us a private message on the page and explain who you are, your name, age, confirm you’ve personally had a bc diagnosis and where you heard about us, and then we can send you a friend request.

Be kind to yourself, your life’s been derailed by a ten ton truck and it takes a bit of getting used to before you can come out the other side

i live in treboeth feel really down ive just had the lump removed so am waiting on the results feel reall sucked off cos none of my friends av popped in to see me my 2 neighbours have

Hi, I am also 34 and from Brynhyfryd (just down the road from you) I had a left mastectomy & reconstruction 2 weeks ago, also lymph node clearance under my armpit. Went today to have my drains removed, still awaiting my results. I also had my dressings removed today, so it was the first time I saw my new breast, I had to have the nipple removed, so it looked so strange and I got quite upset. Are you having treatment at Breast Clinic in Singleton? Who is your Breast Care Sister?

I am 21 and from just down the road (Bridgend) I have had a right mstectomy with full removal of lyph nodes and am still waiting on a reconstruction since i’ve just finished Chemo on the 6th of march. I know how you feel with no friends popping around, I was diagonised in august last year and no one came to see me and most of them acted as if i was infectious. Although my dad and his family was supportive i live with my mother and she leaves me in my room all day and doesn’t bother with me most days, If you ever need to chat just let me know, i know what it feels like to be alone through this.