I have been on Tamoxifen for 3 weeks now and felt a bit not myself first off. I have had some night sweats but nothing else really. I am going to ignore any side effects. Start rads after Christmas so in limbo really, but giving me plenty of time for christmas shopping and spending loads of money (that I haven’t got!!) I am so overweight have over dosed on choc and rubbish since diagnosis even though I know I should be treating my body better. Keep putting off healthy eating till after Christmas. Hopefully the Tamo will keep the big C away for good. Thinking of all you Tamo poppers, let’s all try to keep positive Ha Ha how many times have we heard that. Love and hugs to you all Kaz x
Oh and forgot to say that I started taking the tamo at night before bed about 5 days ago and feel much better and a lot less tired in the evenings. kx
thats interesting, i have always taken mine in the morning with my brekkie.