4 Years later I have a reoccurance

I was diagnosed with a reoccurance after finding a lump next to my flap reconstruction last week. I had the lump removed yesterday and have staging CT and MRI tomorrow (routine I’m told). They are talking radiotherapy as I didn’t have it last time. This is likely to ruin my reconstruction :(. I have a 7 and 5 year old, this is not the xmas I had hoped for :frowning:

Hi 1chris

I am sorry to read you are having to go through all of this again, it sounds like you’re having a pretty tough time. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

HI Chris

I’m so sorry to read your post you must be devastated. I’m just half way through chemo having had an MX last July followed by lots of post op complications and the thought of going through this again is too depressing for words. You have all my sympathy. The only thing is that you know that you can do it, you’ve done it once and got through it and you’ll be able to get through it again. I had an implant that had to be removed after two months of trying to save it which delayed everything, and I can’t have reconstruction for another year at least. So again, you have all my sympathy that your reconstruction is going to be delayed.

Do you know if it’s just radiotherapy you have to go through again? Or is there going to be more chemo?

Very best wishes


I am sorry you had to find out about this just before Christmas. I had a scare lately (although it turned out to be fine), but I don’t know how I would have coped had it been bad news.

I’ve had a re-occurrence in my reconstruction 6 years after my original diagnosis & MX. Interestingly I didn’t have radiotherapy first time around either. Was diagnosed again last Friday and having PET CT scan day after tomorrow to check it hasn’t spread. Not nice news before Xmas but I’ve fought it once, can do it again! Just praying it hasn’t spread.

Good luck to you. Know exactly how you feel about Christmas. I was less tearful today and managed some gift shopping. Was thinking I’d give everyone vouchers this year but just taking it day by day.

Twinkly x

Hi Chris

one of my very good friends had a recurrence in her reconstruced boob a year after her surgery… they removed the are and did radiotherapy… they gave the rads at a low rate over 4 or 5 weeks to help prevent damage to the LD flap and implant… she finished her rads almost two years ago and her implant has been fine… hopefully they will be able to do the same for you.

take care chris

love lulu x

Thank you for your comments and support. Scans came back with no spread fortunately. Appointment tomorrow to discuss histology and treatment options. Currently separated from husband although back at the mo to support. Finding it all very hard to cope with everything. Not a nice time! Not sure about radiotherapy as I fought hard for reconstruction.

Hi Chris
I had radiotherapy after LD flap surgery. My implant was fine and surgeon told me that it might have helped reduce my scars as they are practically non existent. He was so pleased with my boob that they show pictures of it to any girls thinking of having ld flap with him.
I too have separated from husband. He left me just before I was diagnosed 2nd time. If I can be of any support in either area please PM me.
Good luck xxx

Great news there’s no spread chris… Sorry to hear about your relationship though.

Me and my OH had broken up just when I was diagnosed with my recurrence but are now back together and things are much better than they were before despite the cancer.

And as I said before my friend also had rads to her reconstructed LD flap and implant… So it doesn’t rule it out.

Lulu x