I can’t believe it. Over 4 years from dx!
It seems like yesterday that I was first dx, just couldn’t see beyond the treatment, and planned my funeral.
My hospital bag, with my wig, is still on top of the wardrobe (don’t want to tempt fate), and it’s been there for nearly 4 years gathering dust. My funeral plans are still there too in a file on my PC.
But, here I am enjoying life and (OMG) not thinking of BC for weeks at a time. I never thought I would get here.
I really feel for all of you newly dx and those going through treatment. It’s a truly awful time, but you do get through it. It’s hard, when going through treatment etc, to think how you’ll ever feel normal again, but you do.
So just think of all those women who have come through this and are out enjoying their life again. They don’t come here to let you know, they’re too busy enjoying life. You’ll be there soon.
Take care.
That’s so encouraging to read. I’m just a couple of months post treatment and think I am now in shock, barely able to say the C word any more!
It’s good to be reminded life can get back to normal.
Thank you,
Jennifer x
Thanks for those reassuring words Mal. I finished 8 lots of chemo in April an MX in May and im waiting for rads to begin but i have cellulitis in my wound.
I too had some major dark days when dx’ed in september last year and started planning my funeral. Admittedily the dark days are less so, but i still have to chase negative thoughts away. I havent got to the place yet where i wake up in the morning and dont place my first thought on my BC (dont know how long it took before that happened for you) maybe once active treatment is over.
Either way, its great to read when previous bc sisters remind us still going through active treatments that there is light at the end of the tunnel…its just a damn long tunnel is all!
I wish you the best and once again, many thanks
Hi all, Like Mal I am 5 years post dx. It will be 5 years in February. Yes, BC is on your mind but not all the time. I can go days without thinking of it. I have kept my wigs for the same reason Mal has and I kept waiting for the cancer to return. So far there has been no sign of it. Five years will be a big milestone for me and I will celebrate. My dx was Grade 3 stage 2 so I thought I wouldn’t be here now. How wrong could I have been ? It takes time for the constant anxiety to subside and the worry does not completely disappear but I have learnt to live and cope with it. i take each day as it comes.
Love Rachy xxx