40 somethings in similar position?

I have no idea yet what type of surgery I will need. Forgive my ignorance, I still need to look into all this. Does your surgery mean there is never the option of reconstruction for you? If it has been a success then that is all that matters xo

@sam3 i do have the option of reconstruction in the future but it may have to be under private as there is long waiting list for NHS especially as itā€™s not an essential surgery. Iā€™ll see how I feel after treatment finishes as will also need radiotherapy after chemo.

Hi :grin: Iā€™m 45 and was diagnosed in May this year with a Grade 2, EER/PR +ve, HER2 -ve cancer. Ultrasound of the axillary nodes was clear but unfortunately I had 2/6 sentinel nodes involved at the first surgery so I proceeded to full axillary node clearance on 21st Aug. Thankfully only one more node was affected, so that was a total of 3/29. Iā€™ve seen the oncologist and will be starting EC/D chemo next Wed. I was offered participation in the OPTIMA trial but decided against it as I was afraid of not being given chemo, after the oncologist had said the standard treatment for someone like me is chemo, and NHS predict showed a potential 9% benefit in 15 year survival with chemo. I have one 6 year old boy so can identify with all you ladies wondering what and how to tell your children. He knows I had a ā€œsore thingā€ removed and that Iā€™ll be getting ā€œpowerful medicineā€ which will make me feel sick, tired, and leave me with a haircut like his dad :wink: Iā€™m not sure he believes me about the hair but heā€™ll soon see, I guess. I got my wig yesterday and itā€™s definitely a lot less terrible than I expected, so Iā€™ve decided not to get my hair cut short yet as Iā€™d initially planned. Iā€™m going to wait til itā€™s nearly time for it to come out and then cut it at home and donate it to the Little Princess Trust. I figured it might be stranger to go from short hair (which Iā€™d probably hate for the next 3 weeks anyway) to no hair and a long wig, so Iā€™m skipping the short stage. Sorry this ended up long and congratulations if youā€™ve read this far!!

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