4chemo and nearly xmas

Hi new to all of this! Can’t seem to get hold of my chemo nurse so took to this. I was due 4th chemo on Friday 16th bloods were to low so now put off to 21st only 3-4days to get better for Xmas! Should I wain’t until after Xmas or go ahead?in 2 minds!! Going away and being ill may ruin it?. Confused.com x

Hello there ,
I would personally go ahead with the new date offered of 21/12 as I would not want to wait and delay. You may feel fine in 3 to 4 days and it will be another one crossed off your list. Maybe a few more ladies will be along soon to offer you their opinion as we are all so different. It doesnt matter as long as we support each other with what ever decision we make. It is your body !
Lots of love and hugs Tracy xxx

Hi there 7aug2012 and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support and information from your fellow users you may find it useful to call our helpliners to talk any concerns over, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Sat on 0808 800 6000

The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Treatments’ page where you will find further support ideas and lots of information which I hope you will find helpful:


Take care


Thanks Tracy had 4th 1 done yesterday they rushed it though coz many people are in the same situation so close 2 Xmas!! Thank you for advice over half way there now xxx